Promises Made Promises ummm not kept.
Medicare for all; Promise broke
Socialist AOC stated recently that the American people deserve VA health care same as our Veterans, that our VA health system was the “Highest Quality and that what is not broken, don’t fix it”
The “Just Society” proposals include bills that would grant welfare to illegal immigrants, along with imposing federal government mandated national rent control.

“The Place to Prosper Act” would prevent year-over-year rent increases of more than three percent. Meanwhile,
“The Embrace Act” would allow illegal immigrants to claim the same welfare benefits as U.S. citizens and those immigrants here legally,

Pretty much the bulk of her campaign promises are wrapped up in this "Just Society" to include
a resolution to join the Socialist UN Covenant.

This isn’t just a massive government overreach: It’s economic illiteracy, too.
Well I couldn't find anything on campaign finance reform or her other promises, but i will admit I just couldn't force myself to spend much time in AOC land.

But just to leave on a positive note.
Learn of the many accomplishments of President Trump that often go unreported by the Fake News Media as he continues to Make America Great Again. 
Literally cutting red tape.
Over 14k arrested Over 12k kids rescued 
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