So the Left is CROWING about President Trump's "poor turnout."
MILLIONS watched it live at home
The elderly didn't attend & no one brought their kids thanks to the Activist Lunatics.
WHOSE mind was changed by that?
They are DRIVING voters to President Trump.
This was a Trial run.
BOTH SIDES are claiming victory.
The PROOF will be in November when the Left learns it's very last, bitter lesson=Social Media is not real life.
You own the media?
You win the PR War=fine.
WE win the only WAR that matters=The #SilentWAR
Mistakes were made in Tulsa.
A lot of Folks on the ground were disappointed when MARXIST Led BLM Protesters stopped the Outside Event.
Lessons learned.
The next Trump Rally will go much smoother.
All the Left's victories are Pyrrhic.
Trump's got a Learning Curve.
They couldn't stop the Rally. VICTORY
They DID impact it's #'s. VICTORY.
President Trump reached MILLIONS of Americans. VICTORY
They did manage to stop the outside Event. VICTORY
Except for a few shoving matches, no violence. VICTORY
This is all building towards November.
The Left is realizing they can't win the Election.
So they are undertaking a campaign of destruction & intimidation to WRECK American's morale.
Consider me a Morale Officer in the #SoulWAR.
The next 5 months are going to be BRUTAL
**if you watch the News**
It'll ALL be bad.
All done to destroy any sense of peace or well being you possess.
As I've said before, as long as Trump is America's President,
Please LISTEN to me.
Phase/FILTER them out of your life.
Listen to President Trump.
Listen to the ACTUAL New Media
After President Trump gets his 2nd Term, the Left will have an incredibly violent 90 day temper tantrum.
It will be DEALT with.
The MSM will DOUBLE DOWN on what they're doing right now.
Americans will unplug, then begin to enjoy TRUE peace & stability as SANITY descends.
This is the period where the DYING Behemoth called American Marxism thrashes & kicks the most.
(Watch the Tail!)
Dawn will come.
The outcome was NEVER in doubt.
Be prudent & mindful yet grateful you lived thru these Days.
You are living American History.
You can follow @CatesDuane.
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