Why is Bill Bishop such a little bitch?

A short thread
People have noticed that Bill Bishop is becoming pretty snarky and turned into a little bitch occasionally that makes Arvo Hoe Heaven almost fuckable. But why? Why is this normal middle aged man turned into a bleached Hoe with bad skin condition with extra sass.
This is easy. Because he is a writer (or a gatherer of news with occasional comments, even though he knows more than what he says) and writer needs an audience. Who would read his stuff by paying him 150 bucks a year to receive something in the Updates section of your gmail...
People who are really into China watching. I mean those who really needs info about China without getting detailed briefings from secret services. So his readership should include the following:
1) researchers on China from all private and public institutions who needs info on China on a holistic level as his info is normally pretty eclectic, 2)general readers who would pay to gather all China news which is indeed handy... but most importantly ...
3) tankies, hill staffers and govt insiders who need a general summary on China daily news to complement their insider knowledge. These people would be very important because how these readers feel would impact how much subscriptions he will get.
Ask yourselves, my chinese compatriots, do you wanna 打赏 Mr Anti if he provides such service to you at a reasonable price? No! 打脸 is more likely because YOU DON’T LIKE HIM. How would Bill sell his newsletter if he sounds like Carl Zha?
So while he has lost some patience with Sea See Pee, his primary motive is still to make sure he is seen as part of the DC crowds than a misfit so he has to act a bit. Plus there’s something called messiah syndrome yellow fever sufferers generally have, from him to Kevin B.
Which should be thoroughly mocked using the most racist language in both Chinese and English languages. But that’s for another time. In conclusion, you have to allow Bishop to be a bit sassy because he is stuck in DC and when you’re in Rome, you’ve got to do as the romans do.
So don’t hate on him that much. Plenty of people are in that situation due to financial gains. I don’t think all reporters for Radio Fried Asia and Vagina of America are nuts but they have a bill to lay and they have to do what is needed to pay the mortgage.
Even I had to listen to stupid and arrogant client who looks like Joe Rohan and doesn’t understand any maths while I have to explain what I need to do to help them achieve what they want.
The only one who is consistently a little bitch for no gains is Michael Anti because he’s just a dumb fucking eunuch who retweets Kevin B. The end. Next time: yellow fever messiah syndrome.
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