We won't ever know the true figures of deaths of Disabled people in this pandemic - not important enough to test - the 'shocking' figures of disabled peoples' deaths are not shocking at all to us. Govt removed our name 'Disabled' https://bit.ly/3fOcQNf  /1
and replaced with 'vulnerable' and 'underlying health problems' to make our deaths sound inevitable. Our medical care was triaged long before we got ill...DNR. The 'frailty scale' is deeply embedded in the approach to the medical care we will receive. Not a right to life. We /2
are seen as burdens - the govt must have rubbed it's little eugenicist hands when this pandemic arrived. That is not to say individual health care workers don't fight hard for us and support us - this is about policy and intent. Churchill said the feeble presented a race /3
danger that was to be eradicated - institutionalisation and sterilisation. Disabled people have the right to rich, full lives in a society which does not silently sanction death, brutalise, dehumanise and discriminate. We contribute in so many ways. TQ @Channel4News Rory Kinnear
But hey...we can go to the park and the shops and the football's back!
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