I'm just wondering, if you as a parent have something you thought that your child shouldn't know - especially your occupation, would you do the same thing too?
I'm not talking about really bad occupations like a hired assassin, secret service ops, cahoots in abetting crime etc... but occupations that traditionally do not have a very comfortable pride in its exposure.
For example, prostitution, social escort, erotic dancers, erotic content authors, managers. While much effort has been done to make these occupations more acceptable we still have a really long way to go before you can put in your CV - I was a prostitute from 2000 - 2010 for e.g
So if you are a sex worker or a porn actor/actress or something not very glamorous, will you keep it from your children? Or demand that they be treated like any child would?
Would you talk to your child when they come crying home because their classmates found out who you were and made fun or ridiculed him/her? What's worse, the school that he/she is in does not seem very supporting of you too.
Questions to think about. Or what if you spent so long nurturing your child and even if you had an illustrious carrier ... Your child, when he/she became an adult, wants to be a adult actor/actress.
But back to kakushigoto, without revealing too much, ironically, it was the discovery of what the father did for a living by the daughter that saved everyone in the end, including himself.
I am in no position to say what to do when a parent is faced with this.
But I know that even if my child should disown me because of my profession is bringing a lot of pain and hurt in his/her life. I'll never stop loving him/her.
For those who would like to see the anime that inspired me to write what I wrote, here's a preview with english subtitles.
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