Like many others, I've taken the opportunity during the lockdown of more cycling and walking throughout Edinburgh. Along with reminding me of the beauty of much of our city, it has underlined to me, again, how badly served are pedestrians, cyclists, communities, in so many ways.
Everyone will have their own list - my top ones would be potholes (bad for cars, but potentially lethal for cyclists); narrow pavements, speeding, cycle lanes which peter out, pollution. And opportunity of making changes now is rapidly being lost through slow implementation.
I know that cllrs like @lmacinnessnp @KarenDoran3 are doing their best to make things happen, but why so long? Lots of reasons, but I suspect at heart is still a fundamental failure to shift the culture of local & central govt decision-making, as well of course as funding choices
This is not new, of course. I was reminded of the problems when cycling from Silverknowes to Granton. For more than 25 years, there has been commitment to complete short 'gap' in coastal path there. No sign of it happening. Yet look the other way - you see 2nd Forth Road bridge..
Decision taken, completed, within 10 years, at cost of more than £1 billion. Because of high-level political commitment, prioritising planning, project management, construction, and making £ available. There needs to be that kind of approach to people first in transport, planning
If you've read this thread this far, you probably agree with me. So let's *do* something to make that change happen. Here are some ideas. 1. RT, liking tweets is fun and easy, and if you copy in cllrs, MSPs etc, it make them aware of strength of feelings. Keep on, but do more.
2. Email them with details of particular problem- local cllrs details on Council websites ( ) MSPs, MPs on Scottish/UK Plt sites. And don't give up. Be polite, but persistent. It make a difference - I know, I used to be one. Encourage others to do same.
And two things finally. First, make it clear to politicians and parties, when it's election time, that these issues are important to you, and your votes will be cast accordingly. And second, don't just wait until elections. Do Something today, now. Plenty of suggestions above!
You can follow @mark_lazarowicz.
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