Powerful column by @NickCohen4 on the extreme rightwing culture warriors who began their political lives in the deeply weird far-left cult that Frank Furedi built among his students: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jun/20/the-far-left-origins-of-no-10s-desperate-attack-on-all-things-woke
In 1998 I began to understand the trick it keeps pulling off: claiming to be on the left while taking extreme right positions. It sows total confusion among its opponents, and cons broadcasters into imagining they're giving the left a platform: https://www.monbiot.com/1998/11/01/far-left-or-far-right/
Now, as Nick documents, one of the cult members is head of the Number 10 Policy Unit, and is directing Johnson's culture wars.
Please, don't anyone say that you weren't warned!
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