"Countries with the highest Covid-19 related death rates have one thing in common: a seriously deteriorating quality of government over the last 20 ys ... UK, Spain, Italy, and Belgium are the four countries with the highest incidence of excess mortality in the developed world"
"The UK, Spain, Belgium, and Italy are not only the countries with the biggest incidence of excess deaths in 2020, they are also those that have witnessed the biggest relative decline in government effectiveness"
"The prolonged deterioration of the overall quality of civil service and bureaucracy and its weakening independence from political pressures"
"the reaction by these four countries has been slower than that of many others in Europe...At least in the cases of Spain, Belgium, and the UK, which had additional time than Italy to prepare for the hit of the pandemic"
"frequent changes of direction and criteria in the policies adopted, the chronic lack of personal protective equipment for health and social workers, and a manifest incapacity to coordinate effectively the public procurement of medical and protective equipment"
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