Also, fellow white folks with popcorn and memes and your “YES WATCH THEM CRUMBLE” attitudes about what’s happening in Chicago drag instead of being humbled, listening, and checking yourself?
This isn’t dramatic reality tv, it’s not an episode of Untucked, this isn’t something for us to get joy out of. This is about how WE are complicit in the violence against our black peers, how WE use our whiteness as a weapon, how WE must do better.
Don’t distance yourself from the actions of the people in power in Chicago by feigning glee at their public downfall. Own up to the fact that those actions have benefitted you at the very least, and that you may have committed the same acts of harm as well.
This should feel like a mirror, exposing our own biases, behaviors, and blind spots. It should not feel like a tv show with a villain for us to watch be defeated.
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