Now what I did early in the day yesterday (6/20/20) is I followed everyone in all 10 rooms I was in... I was already following about 95% of the people in them... I haven't unfollowed anyone in over a week, mostly thanks to my new work hours... (1)
I then took lists of everyone in all 10 of the rooms and copied them to a NOTEPAD text document... this way, in case anyone blocked me, I would be able to tell pretty quickly who did it... (2)
So, sure enough, right as the Trump rally is starting and I'm getting ready to post my Kamala-outing tweet, I discover I am no longer in two rooms... I quickly go through the lists I had saved and found that I somehow was no longer following the above person... (3)
Well, the ONLY way you unfollow someone (save for twitter doing a mass unfollow of those you follow when checking if you're human) is for them to block you... and then they can either leave you blocked or they can then re-unblock you. This is called a "forced unfollow" (4)
Given that someone claiming to have a large 30K+ main following account made a big stink about me outing the #FakeMAGA person trying to scam #MAGA out of money not too long ago, the connection was made. Said person is also the users @/No1Trump4EvA and @/No1Trump2020. (5)
And yes, I did archive the entire sequence of tweets that went on with one of the above accounts (No1Trump2020) more than a month ago... (6) 
And, as you can see, they took a shot at me from their other backup account (No1Trump4EvA) as well.

WARNING: Explicit language (7) 
In DM with said person, they actually did make mention of having a large (35K follower) account... Given the other lies, embellishment doesn't surprise me at all (he has barely 30K followers).... (8)
And if you check out the follows, sure enough BOTH of his backup accounts follow Anil Kumar's latest account, @PatriotAnill - this is the one I have the pinned tweet on currently (9)...
As I've said before, there are infiltrators EVERYWHERE... and it will only get worse these next 4 1/2 months... please keep an eye out for suspicious stuff, fellow patriots!

(10) - end thread
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