people who don't get any joy out of a really stupid gross joke in response to something serious have sunk into the mire of their own self-importance, and that's sad. i'm sad. you're like the sad horse in that one movie where the boy is sad about the sad horse
i mean, if it were a genuine insult, that's different, but if the joke is obviously that the joke isn't very good and the character played by the joke-maker is Not Smart, then? cmon. that's a classic bit and you fucking better know it.
There are also a number of people who do genuinely not have senses of humor? Or have such alien senses of humor that they laugh at things not remotely funny and don't laugh at something anyone else would recognize as a solid joke.
It's like meeting someone whose taste is genuinely that they think bitter food is delectable and vomit when something is even a *little* sweet.

It's so bizarre that you can't even believe they're human, but they must be? Who would lie about that??
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