"Far Beyond The Stars" Star Trek Deep Space 9, Episode 6x13.
One of the most incredible and momentous episodes of Star Trek in the entire franchise.

An episode that still resonates to this day, with the history and modern continuity of racism.
"If we had changed the people's clothes, this story could be about right now. What's insidious about racism is that it is unconscious. Even among these bright and enlightened characters -- a group that includes a woman writer who has to use a man's name to get published who is--"
Avery Brooks was chosen to direct this episode because "This story was about racism and prejudice. We felt very strongly that it would be wrong if it came from a bunch of people who didnt necessarily know about that experience. It was imperative to the story & integrity to--"
Even though this episode makes several top 10s of "must watch" and most important episodes of star trek lists, the only awards given are for design, direction, and hairstyling.
This episode deserved and Emmy but the chord struck too true to Hollywood and was met with silence.
This episode is so true to real life, it resonated to Samuek R. Delaney. His 1967 novel "Nova" was rejected by Capbell who claimed he felt SF readers weren't ready for a Blsck protagonist. It was ultimately published by Doubleday and received a nomination for a 1969 Hugo Award.
Many DS9 cast recount this episode as a favorite because of its meaning and impact. Avery Brooks sums it up by saying "It should have been a two-parter"
The ending scene was so important and so riveting, many cast & crew remember it in detail. Avery Brooks threw himself into the role and Benny is a character who's unforgettable.
This episode touched many, deeply.
"For all we know, at this very moment, somewhere far beyond all those distant stars, Benny Russel is dreaming of us." - Benjamin Sisko
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