Ok, so we've had a bit of fun pointing out both true "conspiracy theories" and how the establishment order takes advantage of the RWNJ conspiracy community to hide the exploitations, excesses and at times, downright evils of the ruling classes.

Now let's flip it:
Let's look at a couple examples of FASCIST conspiracies that were exposed, that have submerged back under the shroud of reasonable doubt because the class loyalties of the media are stronger than the make believe culture war politics they each claim to represent.
First, let's take the simple one - Thomas Hofeller. Remember Thomas Hofeller?

He's the GOP strategist who died in and in doing so accidentally bequeathed the evidence of a vast GOP conspiracy to rig elections through openly racialized voter suppression to his pinko daughter
Here we have open evidence of the GOP not only "doing a racsism" on a national scale, not only engaging in an ACTIVE secret plot to deny non-white Americans their democratic rights, but LITERALLY setting out to rig elections on behalf of the reactionary right party. WRITTEN DOWN
This would be like me robbing your house, but before I did it writing down the exact route I'd take to your house, my plan to pry open the window and tie you up, and how I'm going to cart your TV away. That's what Hofeller's daughter put into the public sphere.
Lo and behold - this WAS in the media; stories were written about it, stories that actually admitted "this is racist and it's rigging elections" in Mother Jones, in WaPo, hell even in the New York Times, this was big news... for about 4 days.
That was summer 2019.

Now I want you to ask yourself a very simple question because I think the answer here demonstrates my point very succinctly...

it's been a year; how many times have you since then heard the word "election" on your TV? a lot right?
And how many times, by comparison, have you also heard about Thomas Hofeller and the GOP active plot to rig elections, exposed a mere year ago, while you're hearing about "the biggest election in our history as a nation?"

Zero right.

You figure they just forgot?

Naw dawg.
Now, let's take it deeper - let's talk about Robert and Rebekah Mercer and a story that touches on the rise of trump, the clusterfuck 2016 election and the unhinged spy novel that was Russiagate.
Who is, Bob Mercer? Well this guy has his fingers in a LOT of pies to be honest but for the purposes of our discussion you really only need to know 3 things:

A) he's a fascist billionaire

B) he's a big time GOP donor

C) he has devoted his life to studying algorithmic power
While this is hardly the limit of the rotten shit Bob has gotten up to with his technology, he is specifically the guy who figured out you can use targeted online marketing systems and data scraping to micro-target specific demographics to.. normalize fascism, because he's a nazi
The work Bob Mercer did went a long, long way towards helping Trump get elected and if Facebook made reactionary Americans crazy enough to vote for Trump, they did it on Mercer's dime, not Putin's. Bob Mercer is like billionaire cyber-marketing Goebbels.
Also, him and his daughter literally paid Steve Bannon and Brietbart to ditch Ted Cruz and join Trump. There's that too. Just in case you think I'm joking.

Anyway, THIS TOO was a mainstream news story - and it had all the same elements as "Russian bot nets" and "meme warfare"
In addition to his activities running the fascist cyber-marketing campaign, I'm convinced Mercer is running a number of these "ops" we encounter - dudes like Milo, or Andy Ngo; Mercer is good at this, Trump is bad at it (see Diamond & Silk) and Theil is in between (Cernobitch)
All of this was literally alluded to in an actual ATLANTIC story, in the mainstream media and that story was written about by gobs and gobs of other mainstream outlets.
All the evidence that Mercer is the puppet master, not Putin, and that he's purposely spreading fascism, was right there in that story and touched on briefly in the other stories. Some folks in the less reputable press went deeper and found more, but the essential frame (ct)
of the conspiracy between Trump, Mercer, Bannon and minions like Roger Stone was there in that story.

So again, ask yourself, if this was known in like 2017, why didn't you EVER heard about it again? Even as we went FURTHER AND FURTHER through the looking glass on 'Russia?"
Do you sincerely think the liberal establishment forgot that Bob Mercer is a fucking cyber-nazi techno-propaganda wizard purposely radicalizing people through social media because he understands algos like fucking Rain Man?

But now, that's a "conspiracy theory" and nothing changed, nothing was retracted, all it took was saying "LOOK OVER HERE YOU IDIOT AT RUSSIA" and never saying Bob Mercer's name again.

After all, he might be a nazi, but he's rich and this is a meritocracy and blah blah blah
and of course, you won't hear any of this from the crypto-fascist (or even openly fascist) parts of "the conspiracy community" either because it's a pretty bad idea to call your boss out in public like that.
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