woke provo antimormon culture is

1. attacking the church & acting shocked when church members don’t bow down to you. after all, your sociology professor tells you that you matter so much & when that Young Womens teacher yelled at you 7 years ago, it was like Nazi Germany
2. saying “you don’t believe the bretheren or the apostles!” to orthodox members when you think the Honor Code changed its policies & when they clarify that they didn’t, you’re like “F THE CHURCH! I CANT BELIEVE THIS! ITS ALL FAKE ANYWAY OH WAIT NO I HAVE A TESTIMONY I SWEAR JK”
3. thinking the majority of the provo and uvu student body side with you, but the majority of the people who retweet you, like you, are people who don’t live in provo, and don’t go to school.
4. not having accomplished anything when you grew up, so you needed a way to stand out. so you exxagerate your problems, lie about your identity & then get mad when 99.99% of byu and uvu don’t take you seriously
5. saying “I’m so happy i left the church” while tweeting a thread about how you hate yourself, abt how you’re depressed, and abt that you’re trash, but it’s all Dallin H. Oaks fault prolly
6. Calvin Burke (Connor Myers) lied under oath, told the police & school that his Dad chased him on campus w a gun, but actually didn’t. This was proven in court & he was deemed a fraud. His entire life story is fake.

not a part of the thread, just reminding you guys
7. defending calvin burke while knowing he lied, but being unwilling to admit it to yourself bc then you’ve broken away from the circulative cognitive dissonance of the “believe everyone who says they’re a victim” narrative and risk losing your woke friends.
8. lying to your Bishop
9. bullying people online & then crying when they fight back, and pretending as if it’s totally bizarre that people are not okay with you being a bully & then hiding from them on campus bc you’re a wimp
10. not having black friends
11. pretending you love “people of color” but knowing that the majority of african and polynesian culture is extremely religious, patriarchal, and heteronormative, and that these people represent everything you detest but nobody can know you think white people are better
12. being friends with male feminists who aren’t actually feminists, but say they are & then are accused of rape by actual women & they admit it & you ignore it and focus on someone who was falsely accused & every investigation cleared him but F him bc he’s a nig— nvmnd
13. knowing this thread is true, but typing “you’re not being christlike!”, even though you don’t believe in Jesus & don’t read the scriptures, and have no issue using spiritual manipulation on members although you accuse the Church of the exact thing
14. thinking that The LDS Church is oppressive toward LGBTQ people, and ignoring that gay people are legally executed in a number of Muslim countries because (sarcasm) white Utah gays matter more than dirty brown homosexuals in the East lololol who needs’ em anyway
15. be silent when your friends denigrate and attack and try to ruin the lives of countless people, and bring a horrid destructive culture to Provo, but pretend you’re offended and surprised when anyone contests them
16. think you’re special and cool for not being mormon anymore, even though literally most people ever are not latter-day saints
17. losing every single anti-gospel, anti-church movement you’ve waged against BYU
18. hurting multiple people deeply. sending people to therapy for your actions. causing unbelievable stress, anxiety, depression, and heart ache to your victims, and taking pictures of them outside the BYU counseling center & mocking them for it via group chats that get leaked
19. making *me* regret ever having been a part of BYU Democrats & building up the club years ago when the membership was at 8 ppl, and social media presence was non existent. making me realize that was all a mistake & that i will never ever help the Left ever again in my life.
20. telling people to kill themselves over the dm’s but then publicly tweeting that mental health is serious and matters
21. thinking you’ve done something landmark for saying “brigham young was racist.” and whitesplaining to black people even though we been knew that
22. telling black people they are the “candace owens of mormonism” when they say anything pro church, bc you only compare blacks to other blacks you think “speak out of line” & you don’t even realize that itself is racist
23. being the literal embodiment of “You never knew me, depart from me. Ye that work iniquity.”
whhheeew child that was more emotional than i thought it would be.
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