1/ It should come as no surprise that the most crucial and scariest fact in this New Yorker piece of panic porn is wrong: @johncassidy reports that 12,673 people “are hospitalized” in Florida with #coronavirus, up 4,000 in a month. Nope... https://twitter.com/johncassidy/status/1274460690640777218
2/ 12,673 HAVE BEEN hospitalized in Florida since hospitalizations began in March. The vast majority of those patients are home now. Florida has never had over ~2,000 people hospitalized with #Covid, 3.5% of its total hospital beds. Which presents a slightly different picture.
Saddest part is that @johncassidy is generally a good reporter. And ~13,000 hospitalizations would be a big number - almost as many as NY at the peak. But the media is so in love with the disaster narrative, so ready to believe the worst, that that figure raises no eyebrows.
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