2/ Moscow indeed becomes increasingly alerted to and concerned about its growing dependency on China, as is evident in recent conversations with 🇷🇺 senior government officials and business executives from both private sector & SOEs.
3/ It's not really about the mutual distrust exposed by early stages of COVID management, and not about spying including the most recent case since great powers spy on each other, even closest allies (Angela Merkel can tell you all about it)... https://twitter.com/AlexGabuev/status/1272458566167924736
4/ ... and it's not about the asymmetry between 🇷🇺🇨🇳 per se. The Kremlin is not naive to believe that Russia's comprehensive national power will ever become symmetric to China's or America's. The key for Moscow is its strategic autonomy and ability to safeguard 🇷🇺 core interests.
5/ What worries Russia? 1) Growing 🇨🇳 assertiveness; 2) Growing 🇨🇳🇺🇸 rivalry + the rest of the world moving in one camp or another thus reducing Moscow's ability to balance; 3) Russia's growing dependency on China, particularly in strategic tech, which 🇨🇳 may use as a leverage.
7/ Amid broken 🇺🇸🇷🇺 relations + worsening of 🇨🇳 relations to 🇮🇳 & other players including🇪🇺that Moscow would want to use for balancing, finding an alternative to China is hard. Here I tend to agree with @KofmanMichael, and disagree with dear colleague&friend Feng Yujun 冯玉军
9/ Russia is working hard not to be seen as China's junior partner, and there is a skillful team at @MID_RF trying to manage that, but diplomatic maneuvering will only give you as much without deep changes in foreign and, more importantly, domestic policy https://twitter.com/AlexGabuev/status/1273693461963780098?s=20
10/ What are Top-3 things we should watch for? 1) What happens to 🇨🇳🇷🇺 military partnership, including sales&co-development of weapons? 2) What happens to @Huawei in Russia, esp. in 5G? 3) Will 🇨🇳 be able to convert Moscow's reliance on its market into ownership of 🇷🇺 assets?
You can follow @AlexGabuev.
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