To be anti-racist, we need to stop tone policing Black folks. As long as policies allow providers to decide when they feel "unsafe", Black bodies will be seen as threats. Pts are labeled "difficult", which means their concerns are ignored or when they speak, security is called 🧵
I learned this lesson the hard way. I was a resident for a family that the predominantly white nursing team felt unsafe around bc of non-violent acts. I tried to intervene, in hopes of avoiding security calls or dismissals from the hospital. I felt powerless to change perceptions
I felt I couldn't change the system so I wrongly placed the burden on the family. I asked them to change their tone. I even thought I was doing the right thing: trying to keep a family together. They called me out on it. It gutted me, but I needed it. I can do better. We all can.
I no longer tell Black people how to navigate through racist systems. It is NOT our job to dampen ourselves for the "security" of others. I started working on initiatives in the hospital to end the punishment of Black advocacy. I know better now. So I do better.
Of any lesson in residency, this one hit the hardest. Yes, we are all learning AND we must take responsibility for our actions. Good intentions are crap if they have bad impact. Black people are deserving of love, care, and timely attention. we need to make space for their voices
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