Cancel culture, whether for a real offense or exaggerated offense, excludes the hope for redemption. Alfred Nobel invents dynamite but didn’t want to be known as the man that killed millions so he bequeathed his fortune to what is now the Nobel Prize.
The Slave Trader John Newton repented of his wicked life and became one of the Britain’s staunchest abolitionists, giving advice to Wilberforce who went on to abolish slavery in England. After Newton’s conversion he went on to write one of the most famous songs; “Amazing Grace”
Oskar Schindler helped in the invasions of Czechoslovakia and Poland. As a nazi party member he took advantage of the free workforce for his factory. Seeing his errors he bankrupted himself to save over 1200 Jews from the gas chamber.
These are just some example of how cancel culture would have robbed us of broken people doing great things.
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