The Barber family chemistry quotes: a thread 💕

“Even separated by several time zones, Evans, Dockery, and Martell have an easy chemistry that makes them particularly believable as a family unit.”
- Devan Coggan (EW interviewer)
“That chemistry that we had as a family was perhaps down to being together for such a long time, on set. We felt that we were a close family.”
- Michelle Dockery
“The heart of this story is about a family who’s experienced this extraordinary situation, this nightmare, this thing that both tears them apart and pulls them together in some way. You need to believe 100 percent that this is a family.”
- Mark Bomback (showrunner)
“I felt like it was very easy for us to become a family on set. We all had a really lovely time together in spite of the intensity of the subject matter.”
- Michelle Dockery
“There is something ineffable about it but watching it, you really do buy them as a family.”
- Meredith Tucker (casting director)
“It was really easy to find the chemistry and to be comfortable with each other. We were lucky that we became close. All of the characters are in their own elements and going through their own struggles, but we were all connected in a powerful way.”
- Jaeden Martell
“Chris is one of my favourite people. The content of the show is very intense. But Chris is a laugh, and we share the same sense of humor, so it’s so brilliant to work with him.”
- Michelle Dockery
“Michelle is just so open and very honest. And between Jaedan and the other actors, everyone, they’re so fantastic.”
- Chris Evans
“I definitely learned a lot from watching them act and tap into their own characters. And just seeing them reach emotional spaces but also seeing the way they interact, I definitely admire that about them.”
- Jaeden Martell
I hope you guys enjoyed this thread as much as I enjoyed making it! They really are a family off screen as much as they were on screen 🥺
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