Since we haven’t abolished the police yet. Please inform your neighbor they don’t have to dial 9-1-1 when they are upset at a Black person minding their business and feel threatened by it
May have told this story once before. But a few years back was on the way back from picking up some pizza. (S/o to @BlazePizza). Hella cops flew past me as I turned into my neighborhood.
First thought: I hope the police didn’t shoot anyone. Park the car and walk to where the cop cars are parked. There’s an ambulance parked as well. Now I’m shook.
I got my phone out ready to record and realized the ambulance was treating a wound on a little girl’s leg. A couple who had recently moved into the neighborhood called to us to their porch and wanted to know what happened. They were under the impression is was a dog attack
Yet there was about 6-8 cops cars present because a dog got out. This didn’t make sense...
A few minutes later a younger white woman walks over and enters into the conversation. We ask if she understands what is happening and proceeds to tell us she’s the one who called the cops. I asked what she told them when she called to get this response
She lived a couple doors away from these kids and had heard them screaming. She was drinking and assumed they were up to no good. (They actually were screaming for help). She assumed whatever the issue was the cops needed to deal with it and called 911.
She shared that when dispatch asked if there were guns & alcohol present in the situation she said “yes”. She explained the boy, who was no older than 13 owned a BB gun. By telling dispatch there was a gun she knew they’d actually show up and not ignore it like her other calls
So the cops roll up 6-8 squad cars deep & ready for a shoutout because this women had no interest in even looking out her window to see kids screaming for help. Instead put their lives at risk
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