Alright, since you all voted for it here is what I personally dislike about apple as a company, apple's products and apple's fanboys. 👇

I personally hate apple due to their shady and shitty business practices. For example, scamming their users with overpricing/planned obsolescence and scamming for repairs; cf. Louis Rossmann. Yes, you get years of updates, but behind that there's a catch...
...Your phone can and will get much slower than before, forcing you to get a new phone. My iphone 5s can not run for 2 minutes on ios 12 without overheating. My 6s can not run ios 13.5 without hiccups, granted, they are old phones, but they are both still slower than my galaxy...
...s4 which is from april 2013, younger than both phones, and runs smoothly on its latest touchwiz but even SMOOTHER on Lineage 17.1 based off of android 10 and guess what, I've had 1 HICCUP in DAYS of use, compared to my 6s which had many. But fair enough, they're all old...
...phones, so surely, they have changed since then right? Honestly, not all that much, their products got better, they feel way better in the hand, they got a very good haptic engine which I like, on the first version it ships on, its very smooth, but other than that...
...nothing much changed... I've taken many times the example of my mom's iphone X which she is starting to hate due to all of the issues she is having concerning calls not coming through, lack of features such as something similar to samsung dex, and missing ports...
...Their chips are now much faster, yeah, they're good for photos and great for videos, no one can deny that, but again, the colors don't pop, I'd rather have a video with beautiful colors and a bit less... smooth? I guess? than the complete opposite.
iOS 13, how does it run on my mom's iphone X. Surely it should run great? iOS 13 is a pure mess. She updated from 12.1.4 to 13.4.1 in 1 go, everything changed, some issues were fixed, but for every patched bug, there were 10 new others; ex: the indian characters...
...Then there are some hiccups here and there, because it's ios 13, but other than that, it's fine, it's not great, just fine, usable. Battery life got worse, from a full day coming at 20% to a full day coming at 5-10. (That's ever since the update, dont pull the battery card...
...on me). How about the other products, well, the only ones I have either gotten feedback from (friends) or that I have personally tried were awful. First off airpods, they fall too easily and the sound quality is nowhere near anything close to the half priced galaxy buds..., a 2018 macbook pro (15 inch). Oh god.. I had to use that for 6 months. WORST EXPERIENCE I'VE EVER HAD ON A LAPTOP, both hardware AND software wise. Software, everything was mixed up, the scrolling, the window tabs but there's also the look that I dislike, it's fine...'s not a software for me, Im more of a win10/Ubuntu type of guy. But hardware, can someone explain to me, how is the butterfly keyboard ANY GOOD!? It breaks SO EASILY, it has barely any keytravel (as someone who loves mechanical keyboards, its awful)...
...the trackpad however is amazing, its huge and has really good gestures, I was happy when I found similar gestures on my new laptop, I really liked those. The display, it's an amazing display, one of the best hands down, however, issues start to arise when you look at the...
...ports... 4 USB C PORTS, WHAT!? Don't tell me you couldn't fit any USB A ports because that is just PURE bullshit, sure you can use dongles, but 1. Theyre pricy, 2. Low quality and 3. they look flat out ugly on a beautiful machine like a macbook. Then the last issue i had...
...with it was the overheating... Oh my god, I am part of a coding club for my future school that I (hope) to enter next year and I started coding and half of the letters were missing, I was like oh, thats weird, I minimize the program, look at the desktop... half the stuff...
...was missing on there too!?!? WHAT? Then I touched the laptop, OH BOY I will always remember that. I literally fucking burnt myself from touching a computer, fans on this laptop are SHIT if they even fucking exist! Thermal throttling is fucking real on this.
Now let's get to another product I've tried out, an apple watch... Honestly, the software isnt for me. I find the one on the galaxy watch way easier to use and more intuitive. I love my rotating bezel, the buttons on the apple watch literally make no sense and the battery life... lasts about a day... while my watch can last me a full week while playing games in class, trust me i tried :)
Now the ipad. Honestly, I have mixed feelings about it, sure great LCD panel, but its not an oled, sure, great battery life, but there's better out there...
...but the price is what bothers me. take a look at the tab s7 leaks, the price will be below the ipad while being better in every aspect. i dont hate the ipad, i just find no use for a tablet, samsung or apple, tablets aren't for me so im not the one you should listen to...
...when it comes to that.
Okay, lets get to the juicy stuff, iOS in itself. I'm a dude who loves customization and features, iOS isn't for me, even jailbroken, its near impossible (if not impossible) to create my note 10 setup that I can create without root.
And as for biometrics, I LOVE the feel of unlocking your phone with a fingerprint scanner, I hate face unlock / faceid.

Last but not least, the apple fanboys. They're as toxic as the oneplus ones. top of the list. They call you poor, tell you bullshit about how...
... access to the whole phone, imagine if someone made an app, signed it and uploaded it. if you downloaded that app, ran it, they now have access to everything. (same goes for android), just dont download any sketchy apps.
And here's the thing about "updates"... seems like a lot of ios and oneplus users care about them, as a samsung user, I dont give a single flying fuck about updates. Updates don't matter on samsung phones. Oneui based off Android 9 literally has android 11 features, if not upcoming android 12 features...
...Samsung is so ahead in their software game that they don't have any competition, that's the only reason I stick with them. No other software has this amount of customization (literally up to the task changer) and this amount of features packed into 1 fluid software...
I couldn't add any more to this thread lmao I had to post and continue it here.
I know this thread was a mess and I went all over the place stating my experience with semi modern hardware and software. but I feel like I still haven't explained enough about why i hate the company
I know Im going to lose a few followers from this, I expect it, but I had to get this off my chest

Oh and also, Stop using "Privacy" and "security" as an excuse. Apple doesnt respect either. I'd bet all of my money that even Huawei phones are more secure than apple phones, private, probably not, but secure, thats for sure.
And for a better privacy/security, take samsung.
Samsung phones are by far the best when it comes to security and privacy with samsung knox and secure folder.
And as for bloatware, Check my pinned tweet. You'll be surprised
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