We gave back dead bodies and in return Chinese were made to return our 10 folks - actually when story of Galwan will be out finally, India and Indians would come to know of another story of valour and sacrifice- point is what to do with those selling n buying Chinese propaganda?
That likes of Ajai Shukla, Kanwal and Rajdeep Sardesai etc are getting propaganda news and stories and even satellite images from Chinese embassy is clear.

What is sad here is that gullibles are buying this same propaganda, source whereof is no one else but Chinese!
Such is their propaganda and our hate for PM Modi that we even created an unnecessary controversy on the statement - why are we even discounting the possibility of our boys going inside and killing Chinese at will. Patrols are meant to result in face off!
Patrol parties, for decades,have been doing this-face offs were earlier limited to using sign languages, some pushing and shoving but off late both sides are now responding as per times and tempers. This time boys of 16 Bihar changed RoE; it won’t be business as usual anymore
So deep rooted is ghost of 1962 that we are ready to buy Chinese propaganda dished out & fed to Indians via agents likes Sardesais, Kanwals and Shuklas but won’t draw inferences that has nothing but tell tale signs of Indian bravery, written all over it- proud of #JaiHindKiSena
Events in simple terms:
1) Patrol of Col Babu was attacked- he was hit by Chinese on his head with a sharp object, his head got smashed & he was killed
2) Reinforcements reached the areas within 7-8 mins
3) All hell broke lose & our boys hunted and killed Chinese soldiers
4) Chinese reinforcements also arrived- we were outnumbered but our boys kept fighting bravely and Chinese bodies were thrown down the river
5) By the time it stopped, they lost 40-50 Chinese, we lost 20, few of ours were kept as captives and our injured were taken out
6) Chinese tried to save their face by going in for a propaganda - fact that Indian media is infested with pests like Shukla and Sardesai; Chinese began feeding propaganda around building confusion. Their age old reputation- fed and bloated by the ghosts of 62- was leveraged
7) Gullibles kept buying propaganda dished and fed to them by this Chinese propaganda machinery operated by Chinese ambassador in New Delhi.
8) Badly bruised and battered Chinese kept negotiating for the bodies of their men & agreed to returns ours braves in return for bodies
9) More and more propagandists joined in; some vets like Panag with an unending hate and grudge for present dispensation for not favouring him, added weight to their propaganda.

Fact is : events of past one week has shown to Chinese that their earlier game won’t go on forever
Chinese also know that their main enemy is Modi and his dispensation is hell bent on puncturing the ghost of 1962 and not let it affect Indian psyche, action and escalation ladder matrix decisions anymore. We did that with Balakot and we did so with Galwan as well!
In simple terms, Galwan was to China what surgical strikes was to Pakistan & Balakot is yer to come!
Let me now give u a small example of the treachery.

The story of Chinese holding Indian captives was known to few of our defence journos but they never ran this story.

Then this story was leaked to Swamy’s daughter and card carrying commie owned The Hindu published it
Story was all over media and even TV media was pushed to cover this- all on the day when news of PMs outreach to opposition was also playing out. It is this treachery by few in Indian media that stands out and must not go unpunished.
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