Fair warning. Mute or Block me if you aren't interested in the Trump Rally tonight. Same if you are easily triggered on either side. Could get a little crazy down here in Tulsa tonight.
Pence on the stage now. There is about 120 of the 160 seats filled in my section. It's a little cold in here but people seem extremely excited. The timer by the stage says 19 mins, but Trump's been late at every one of these in the past.
Nice friendly couple sitting next to us. Guy asked me if I am a reporter. I guess I don't fit in that well. I told him no, this is just twitter, but its sort of like being a reporter. Apparently their daughter loves Instagram and they never met a "Tweeter" before.
4min eta.
Everyone really nice so far.
Bet 2 hot dog and 2 sodas with the same couple next to us that trump will be over 20 mins late. Sick sweat. But I think I am stealing.
Wow, I got eviscerated in that bet. He's already on stage.
Trump definitely looks thinner than on TV. Looks great from a stamina standpoint. A lot of energy. Prob pumped with adderall or something similar.
Wow, these people really love him. Never seen it in person before. Like an evangelist.
Best guess is the place is 60-75% full. When I look around, I am literally the only one not in a total trance focused on the stage. But I just want to say for the record, every single person here has been genuinely nice to us. It's a good environment.
lol, he just did the "You're Fired" and everyone fist pumped. They loved it.
Pretty sure if I broke the news to any of these people about the polls, they would look at me like I was an alien and just laugh at me. I will refrain from any negativity. Don't want to ruin anyone's night.
Ok, So whenever I watch Trump do one of these on TV in the past he is always sniveling. But live, he comes off very clear and pronounced. Can't see or hear any sniveling.

lol, he just said Chinese Virus.
I can's stress this enough. Trump is an amazing speaker. I could not imagine talking with this much emotion and never stutter or mess up words. I don't think it comes off as well on TV, but live its very impressive.
Ok, couple of things that have surprised me about the crowd.
Never saw so many blond people, men and women.
More minorities than I would have expected. Maybe 10-15%.
People dress in t-shirts and jeans for these things. I am one of the very few with a collar shirt.
It's hardly a political rally. It's more like a guy just telling stories on stage. I am not saying this in a judgmental way. He is a great storyteller and that is what everyone is here for. But there really isn't much policy involved in anything he is saying.
Couldn't quite catch it all. He said something like he believes in freedom of speech, but at the same time if someone burns the flag they should goto jail for a year. Nobody flinched around me. I was looking to make eye contact with someone. Didn't happen.
Here we go. Stock market. My favorite topic. I love this. If I am your president you will be rich. If I am not, you will be poor.
It's almost eerie like Stepford Wives. Nobody flinches about anything he says here.
One thing I am coming to terms with tonight. The saying Ignorance is Bliss is more real than I ever knew. These people are extremely happy, extremely content. His word is Gospel and I can see in their faces, no one is questioning anything.
Talking about his dealings with Boeing and saying he called someone on the other side of the table and said "You dumb son of a Bitch." And the way he said it with such emotion, I will admit I even liked it. It was a good moment how he just connected with his people.
For the record, it hasn't filled in the upper decks any further than when it started. Prob 60% of capacity is my final guess. For Trump's sake, hopefully its people staying home due to virus concerns. But I somehow doubt that is the whole story.
Haven't seen one heckler or protester all night. Surprising to me no one at all snuck through.
LOL, I spoke about two minutes too soon. One person just got booed and escorted out.
OMG, I think he is about to do the "Lock him up" with Biden. When he started talking about Biden's son and Biden, people around me were yelling "Lock him up!"
Haven't wanted to leave to buy the hotdogs and sodas for the couple, so we are going out drinking tonight. I rarely drink, but making an exception tonight and will be buying drinks for Tucker and Darla. Never judge a book by its cover and always have an open mind.
Trump just giving shoutouts to random politicians in the crowd for the last several minutes. Its like part of the deal for showing up. I am impressed he can remember all their names. No teleprompter that we can see.
My friend I am with wants me to take a pic of me in a red MAGA hat for twitter, but I don't think I can fade that being on the internet for the rest of my life. I could see some intolerant people using the pic for nefarious purposes when they don't agree with me.
Trump said the Democrats want the stock market to go down. I actually agree with him. But what he doesn't say is they only want it to go down til November. Pretty sure no one within 50 feet of me understands any of this.
I am ready for Trump to wrap this up. It's exhausting just to stand here. I can't believe the energy he has. At any age, this is amazing. He almost has to be on adderal or something similar. Crazy crazy energy.
A lot of people asking about masks. I figured it would be evident from TV. Under 20% wearing masks. COVID is not on peoples minds here. Haven't heard anyone even talk about it. But in fairness, most people here not old enough to worry that much for themselves. I'm wearing a mask.
Feels like this is the closing. Energy is amazing.
Yep, he closed strong with the Make America various things Again. This was an interesting experience. Glad I made the trip. My big takeaway is WOW to how well he speaks in person and WOW to his energy. Never seen anything like it.

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