Since some people have asked - you bet your booty I'm live tweeting the #TrumpRally! It's been so long, I'm SO EXCITED!!!
Pence is getting the crowd warmed up right now - I'm pretty sure he just got them to chant "Sleepy Joe! Sleepy Joe!" 😂
Just noticed the Vice President's seal on the podium for Pence. I don't think I've ever seen that at a rally before.
Pence is done. I think they're still trying to get people in after the BLM thugs shut down the entrance so I don't know when Trump will come out.
I don't know about you guys but seeing these animals shutting down the entrance trying to keep the American people from seeing their President only makes me MORE determined to go to the first rally I can get to.
HERE WE GO!!!!!!
His fist pumps 😂😂 he kills me. Adorkable.
"I stand before you today to declare that the silent majority is stronger than ever before - 5 months from now we are going to defeat Sleepy Joe Biden."

"when we have another 4 years, we're going to have a big, big percentage of the total number (of federal judges)" THIS ALONE WOULD MAKE ME VOTE FOR HIM AGAIN!
He just did "you're fired" when he was talking about the VA 😂
"you ever notice that Biden often gets states wrong?" 😂
"you try putting AOC in charge of your energy" lol Biden having her as an "advisor" is a gift to the Trump campaign
He is RIPPING the left right now. Says that he could take care of the Seattle situation but it might be better to let it dinner for a while to let people see what the radical left will do to the country.
"Chinese Virus" I love him so much 😂
Trump says that we should open the schools because "our kids are much stronger than us - great immune systems" 😂
"we're not conforming - that's why we're here." 🔥
He just brought back "tough hombre" - "You know, I use that on occasion"

"You are so lucky I'm President, that's all I can tell you"

His troll face kills me 😂😂
He's talking about all the names for Coronavirus - he just said "Kung Flu"


He's talking about West Point and how he had to salute 600 times - "it's like a workout without a weight. Thank God they were in twos."
"I had a nice tan - meaning I had a nice sunburn"

He's telling this hilarious story leading up to the ramp at West Point - he points at the bottom of his shoe to show that it has no traction. "I'm wearing leather bottom shoes which are not good for ramps"
I'm literally crying 🤣 this is the funniest story I've ever heard, he's like the drunk uncle at Thanksgiving 😂 "I said General, get ready, I might grab you so fast, because I can't fall with the fake news watching" 😂😂
"I start the journey - inch by inch" he's imitating himself going down the ramp I AM WEAK 😂😂😂😂
"I got to the end and I ran down the ramp - I looked very handsome." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"I make good speeches and bad ones - so far tonight, I'm average" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
He said he called Melania after the speech & she told him that he was trending #1. He asked if it was because of the speech and she said it was because he may have Parkinsons 😭😭😂
😂😂😂 now he's explaining the water ... "I JUST SALUTED 600 TIMES!"
He just drank from a glass of water with one hand and then threw it on the stage 😂😂😂 I can't stop laughing 😂😂😂😂
I've never laughed this hard, that story was by far the funniest rally moment ever 😂😂😂😂😂
He brings back the idea that there should be legislation to make flag burning a crime.

I think we should make it a crime to have Trump rallies less than once a week.
"You know what (Biden) says to his wife, when he's not confusing her with his sister?"

"Joe Biden isn't the leader of his party, he's a helpless puppet for the radical left.".
He's telling a story about Air Force One now
He's still telling the Air Force One story 😂 he's having so much fun, these rallies are like therapy for him and for us 😂 HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LOVE HIM?!
He's trashing the left so hard right now, tying Biden to their worst elements. I love him so much. Have I ever mentioned that I love him?
Live picture of @JoeBiden watching the #TrumpRally
Man Trump is just absolutely lighting Biden on fire
"I'm gonna make another deal - the best deal you've ever seen" with Iran.

Ripping Obama for the JCPOA.
"if Biden becomes president, the left will launch a full scale assault on American life."

Fact check: true
He just called himself handsome again 😂😂😂😂😂
"Get out and vote one more time - we won't even toy with (the media) about doing it two or three more times. I won't do that."

"Biden has AOC in charge of energy ... she has a little charisma - not much - but she doesn't have a clue" lolololol
Trashing Ilhan Omar now - "I think we're gonna have a big victory in the state of Minnesota."
Now he's exposing Biden's decades of racism 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Lol now he's talking about how Obama & Biden built cages for children 😂😂 amazing
"Racial justice begins with Joe Biden's retirement from public life"

We're almost an hour and a half in and he's just now getting around to introducing the other politicians who are there with him 😂
Doing introductions - "and a man who has very good genes - Greg Pence" 😂😂😂
"next year will be the single greatest year economically that we've ever had."

Trump is the greatest, most entertaining troll of all time 😂😂
He's now describing the horrible crime statistics in Democrat-controlled cities 🔥
Ok I think he's wrapping up
I think he's said a total of about 3 words that were on his teleprompter 😂 imagine Biden freewheeling a rally like this for 2 hours?

Trump is a LEGEND
"we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning ... ladies and gentlemen, THE BEST IS YET TO COME!"

"We will make America great again!"

"Make America Great Again" signs are everywhere in the crowd. I'm glad they went back to that. Don't fix what ain't broken.

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