good morning🌞happy Sunday! Today on #Insiders are Guardian Aus chief editor Lenore Taylor, murdoch man James Campbell and professor* Mark Kenny. The interview is with shadow health minister Chris Bowen. This thread is not fact-checked. I block snitch-taggers.
opening spiel from Speers is as usual verbatim Liberal Party comms messages. The phoney cybernonsense has graduated to a “cyberwar” ffs. The “sophisticated state actor” Morrison quote gets a run. As do the internal workings of federal opposition branches #Insiders
the whole montage is on the internal workings of federal opposition branches. Poor old Jane Norman’s commentary is showcased. As always, the endless factional hatreds in the federal Liberal and joint party rooms are completely ignored #Insiders
ahaha we even get the searing insights of what Peter fucking Dutton thinks of his political opponents. Again. And the prime minister criticising the opposition and bullying the speaker - his Party’s speaker - into submission in the House #Insiders
#WhatThePapersSay includes press speculation about what “targeted” campaign spending the Liberals will use our money for next. A security sweep of Labor offices? I missed the detail. Parliamentary offices, I think. #Insiders
the #BriggsReport has returned to provide facts on locally acquired Covid in Victoria and the outbreak in Beijing with compulsory reference to a wet market, this time a “seafood market”. Iran, Israel - including in schools - also covered #Insiders
#BriggsReport also mentions contact tracing in Victoria but nothing on the contact tracing app. In fact Briggs says Victorian contact tracers could become “overwhelmed” which seems to be damning of the app by omission #Insiders
now let’s see what a murdoch man thinks of the internal workings of Victorian Labor. Speers and Taylor btw both say branch stacking happens in other parties, too! And Campbell says that he, Campbell, “was wrong” so pop that one in the pool room. #Insiders
reminder that #Insiders almost exclusively focuses on federal politics except when there is scAndAL!! in a state ALP organisation or perhaps a Victorian union official.
the professor* talks about cultural change which is almost aiways a cliched corporate comms nothing. It is trucked out by commentators ad nauseum and mostly meaningless except in the hands of serious cultural studies scholars #Insiders
it is 9:19 and the #Insiders are sniping and snapping about Labor Labor Labor. We don’t know the context, we have no idea of the context of any of it says Campbell helpfully😎 #Insiders
9:20. Labor Labor Labor #Insiders
9:22am. Labor. Labor. Labor. A cancer of democracy. Labor. Gough Whitlam jeesus wash your mouth out professor*. #Insiders
9:23am. Labor. Unions. Labor. Rank n file. Unions. Labor. Dan Andrews, a Labor Premier. Chris Bowen, a Federal ALP shadow minister. Recall there were 3 Liberal minister #NPC announcements this week, and about 34* campaign pressers by the prime minister. #Insiders
Bowen is up. The Dan Andrews clip was the segue (instead of a political opponent) this week. Speers lets Bowen speak to the Victorian iso restrictions and praise the Premiers of both sides for a bit, then gets down to the pressing national interest Qs of ALP branches #Insiders
9:29am. Internal workings of state ALP organisations (con). This allocation of resources on the public broadcaster is quite something. Reminder that the Morrison government “targeted” $8.1 billion of public money to its political objectives before the 2019 election. #Insiders
lmao “Malcolm Turnbull boasted of the biggest branch stacking operation in Liberal Party history and ended up prime minister” says Bowen. Speers rushes in to weaponise western Sydney in response to this damning information about eastern Sydney #Insiders
heh. Bowen notices that Speers is super keen to move on from facts about Malcolm Turnbull and his eastern suburbs Liberal Party branchstacking so be repeats the infirmation. Speers of course reverts to the ALP in Victoria, citing the usual gallery tropes #Insiders
9:33am Speers says let’s step back from this issue of branch stacking and talk about primaries. In a frame of... branch stacking. We are now past the halfway point of the show and apart from #Briggs and #Papers segments, #Insiders has been completely focused on ALP branches.
finally, at 9:35am, Speers asks Bowen to comment on the Morrison presser cybernonsense distraction thing that played Speers so badly on Friday he has to issue a correction on twitter (and got ratioed all over again) #Insiders
undeterred by the fact that he was played by the prime minister at the cypernonsebse presser, Speers plays a clip of the cybernonsense presser, which he calls “cyberwar” and throws in a defensive whinge about twitter “cynicism”. #Insiders
heh to support the unsupportable, Speers cites the Maiden defence. Telstra said they were on heightened alert because the prime minister held a press conference, therefore the prime ministerial press conference was serious and genuine (affirming the consequent fallacy) #Insiders
all this blather is brilliantly flipped by Lenore Taylor, who says we don’t need to take cyber advice from twitter, “the problem” being there was very little [no - ed] substance from the prime minister #Insiders
sadly someone here just put the jug on and I missed the professorial* contribution coz our kettle makes such a racket #Insiders
9:43am and the #Insiders get to an actual Federal government policy proposal which of course while a big exciting announcement at the #NPC requires legislation to pass the Senate (unlike the attack on mums in paid work). Remember to write to the X-bench! Today! #Insiders
as usual Speers reproduces preferred Morrison framing. Calling a policy designed to exclude students from lower-income backgrounds a “price signal” helpfully obscures the attack on poor people, a hallmark of ALL federal government domestic policy #Insiders
the universities are holding fire because there is a fair bit to work through, says professor* Kenny. Well yeah. Or maybe they are speaking to Rex Patrick and Jacqui Lambie which is what you should do too! Today! #Insiders
at 9:49am the #Insiders host got around to unemployment figures released this week, which impacts on millions and millions of people. Like sensible voices everywhere, Taylor warns that a sudden withdrawal of jobseeker supplement and jobkeeper will be catastrophic [paraphrased].
serious macroeconomic and political implications of putting all those extra unemployed people back on $40 a day, says professor* Kenny, also invoking the “cliff” cliche repeated by commentators everywhere #Insiders
#TalkingPictures is with Benny(?) a First Nations comedian? He says the toon showing three coppers intimidating one innocent Aboriginal person sting at the foot of a toppled statue “gets the [cop-to-blackfella] ratio right” #Insiders
#FinalObservations 1 professor* Kenny mentions the foreign minister and the treasurer on international students and the five eyes (? I think. Sorry I missed the detail there too) #Insiders
#FinalObservations 3 was something from Campbell about recession and Covid, we can not get on top of the economic problem without managing the pandemic problem. [basically, while keeping national cabinet, Morrison has made no effort on a federal response to Vic uptick] #Insiders
we go out with footage of FNQ neonazi-welcoming nutter Bob Katter cosplaying? LARPing? (I am not up with the terminology) as the grim reaper #Insiders
this has been another edition of watching #Insiders so you don’t have to đŸ‘‹đŸŒđŸ‘‹đŸŒđŸ‘‹đŸŒ
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