1/9 In 2020, it shouldn't need to be said that #blacklivesmatter , but it absolutely does. Racism & the systems perpetuating it continue to affect Black #medstudents and doctors in particular across their careers (as well as other Asian & minority ethnic groups in medicine).
2/9 It's a huge issue & many others have already highlighted this far better than we ever can. Just look at @MelaninMedics, @BMJ Racism in medicine series, #BlackintheIvory, #WhiteCoatsforBlackLives.

We all need to educate ourselves & ask how we can provide the best support.
3/9 We'll try to highlight at least some of the barriers that Black (& wider BAME) students & doctors face, specifically within clinical-academia. Though we can’t speak to everyones’ experience, BAME underrepresentation is often exacerbated by inequalities in med school & beyond.
4/9, As @ukmedschools reports, the proportion of BAME #medstudents has improved over the last decade https://www.medschools.ac.uk/media/2608/selection-alliance-2019-report.pdf. However, it still falls short of equitable representation, particularly for Black applicants.
5/9 The overt racism & microaggressions from peers, teachers and the public that many BAME students experience can go on to affect their wellbeing, academic attainment and opportunities ( https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m420). But even recording these reports is poorly done by #medschools.
6/9 @BMJ highlight poor diversity in medical school staff, those training our future doctors. Not only are patients & other clinical academics not benefiting from the potential of BAME doctors, but students are deprived of their experience & mentorship ( https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m420)
7/9 As such, particularly Black students may struggle to feel represented within clinical-academia, and are not able to find mentors who understand their experiences and may have shared in the challenges they face.

#WhitePrivilege means never having to look far to find this.
8/9 Opportunities & mentorship are huge factors in #medstudents & junior doctors choosing to pursue clinical-academia. Black (& wider BAME) students need to be encouraged and supported by all so future clinical -academics reflect the best candidates, not just the most privileged.
9/9 This thread barely scratches the surface - we're looking forward to hearing more at the @WISScotland webinar "A Conversation on Racism, Science and Academia" at 5pm on Mon 29th June

Please sign up & we can hopefully all better understand how to tackle https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-conversation-on-racism-science-and-academia-with-angela-saini-tickets-109936376662?ref=estw
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