I'm seeing a lot of "Why is Paul Kreuger in trouble? All I can find is people talking about it but not saying what he DID." tweets. From what I understand, the women involved have locked down their accounts and/or deleted the threads due to harassment by trolls.
I did see some of the threads before they were taken down/made private. I'll say this: he manipulated, gaslit, and used women in the publishing industry both for personal and professional gain, then left them behind and turned friends against them when they were no longer useful.
He especially was shit to WOC.

"But where are the SPECIFIC allegations??"

Multiple people came forward to corroborate his pattern of harassment. That should be enough. Also, this isn't a criminal case. He's not being arrested.
Haven't you ever had a coworker get fired for shitty behavior? One guy was instantly escorted from my office for threatening a female coworker. He didn't actually DO anything. No one called the cops. But you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Actions have consequences.
And seeing as it's not an isolated incident, as his vague and lackluster "apology" seems to claim, but a long-standing and ongoing pattern of behavior? I'd say people have every right to cut ties and say fuck that guy.
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