Reasons why Jungkook is an outstanding center and why his position should never be discredited - A Thread
First and foremost, center is an indispensable in kpop groups bcs these are the members who represent the image, the representative image as well as the people with the highest public awareness and outstanding talents, ability to attract first viewers in all performances.
Center is the most prominent of all the team members. Because of the importance and weight of this position, the selection is very thorough and somewhat strict because this person has to meet the group's concept, talents in every area must be outstanding, capable of attracting ++
high fans. In addition to always know how to be the focus of the performance wether standing in the middle or not. Perhaps no need to argue when everyone knows that Jungkook was dubbed the "Golden Maknae" of BTS, that this title is reserved for Jungkook, right from debut ++
Jungkook showed. A variety of talents in everything from singing, rap to dancing. Currently, he has been recognized as one of the best centers in the industry with the best rated skills.
On stage, Jungkook shows his enthusiasm and always gives his full energy despite any circumstances and at the peak of his career. For instance, jungkook has taken this role since he young, and while he was in school, this being an unexpected situation ++
the next performances could not be missed and even with no strength, jk appeared on stage. Performing his best in front if their fans without making any mistakes, this is also the reason why no one can deny Jungkook's important role in the group and why he is a perfect center.
Now onto the live performances, this one in particular is one of the best shows they have put, not only does it gives us more different side but the range he has
His professionalism also shows how much of an amazing center and performer he is. See how he does not miss a beat?? He is top tier.
This does not need an explanation. It speaks for itself...
As Jungkook always says, he performs as if its his last time and you can see that in every performance and stage he sets foot in. Dare deny he is not excellence, power, elegance and smoothness put together.
You can't help but be drawn to him, based on many testomines, everyone tends to admit that whenever you see a bts performance, jungkook is the one who immediately caughts your attention and rightfully so. Center indeed.
The performance that shaped the industry to what is is now. Cultural reset.
In conclusion, Jungkook is BTS' one and only center, that spot was made and reserved for him....
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