**** todayfrom site ***

1. It is highly probable that CHOP is killing people and ditching them in the ocean
Human remains in multiple garbage bags are turning up RIGHT THERE.
3. Shooting in CHAZ
One black guy dead, one white guy injured. Shot presumably by CHAZ for "snitching". And in chaz, "snitches get stitches".
We'll see if this makes it to the MSM, and how it gets spun. The best data I can come up with was that the two were snitches that got
4. dealt with. Hopefully this is not related to the video I have posted below.

Why is Trump not acting on Chaz? Easy answer:

Because when this is supported by the mayor of a city, totally within city jurisdiction, and the mayor is even paying for it with city taxes, this is a
5. city issue, not a national one. To call "chaz" an "autonomous zone" is laughable, they are not autonomous at all and this is just a giant stage played party that happens to be a very nasty one. There is no autonomous zone in the U.S. - no "separate nation" set up when the U.S
6. . taxpayers are paying for it and the police could simply wipe it out the moment they are told to. It is all a big joke, (an enormous criminal joke) and the mayor is responsible for every murder, every robbery, every rape when it is happening with full approval.

Trump's not
7. stupid enough to even bother with this hoax. This is supposed to be handled by the FBI (but we all know where that sh*thole stands) and the investigation would be quite simple. Just use public statements for this one. This should have been dealt with in an afternoon.
8. The only thing needed to shut down Chaz is ONE arrest - the mayor.
9. Message out of CHOP: Rapes, robberies and a whole lot more
A man reportedly got a call out of the Seattle occupied zone where he stated gangs of thugs at night were breaking into homes, demanding reparations, and raping the occupants. Quite conveniently, absolutely no info is
10. coming up on any search engine with regard to this or even how many people actually live there, only that it is "the most densely populated area of Seattle." The guy in the phone call states there are about 8,000 normal residents in the occupied zone and that they are in
11. serious trouble.
The call reports that during the day, everything seems ok but at night lines of people go down the street and enter buildings, kicking in doors, looting the households, and raping the occupants, with the theme: You did this to us for X number of years, now
12. it's our turn. Residents are reportedly beaten badly and raped in front of their kids.

I may post an audio only version of this later, but for now, this is on Brighteon because Youtube and twitter would obviously delete it.

I have tried to get supporting info for this, but
13. there is NO info, everything is censored, not one of the 8,000 residents has managed to post anything meaningful that can be searched out on any mainstream platform. There is obvious censorship going on when EVERYONE approves and it is "all a great big party" - you'd think
14. the actual residents of the place would at least complain about having their cars trapped in or out by the barricades but there's not jack squat ANYWHERE, which means this call is likely to be absolutely real.

If Google, Faceplant, Twitter and more won't even let ANY of the
15.8,000 residents complain about having their cars trapped, you can damn well bet they are covering up rape, robbery and murder. It is not "all just a big party", this is happening in the most densely populated zone in Seattle. Why are no real residents being allowed to speak up
******one more*****
16. There is an effort underway to "prove" Floyd was killed
The people behind the entire scam need ONE THING to survive: A "dead George". There is a way to recover something you have lost in the information war, and they did lose the narrative of Floyd being
17. dead at all. Here is how they are recovering it:
They are taking a step back and saying Floyd was not killed by the cop, he was instead killed by "drugs in his system". This gives a middle road to conservatives who are against all the riots, conservatives can rationalize out
18. that "If there were drugs in his system and the cop did not kill him there's no reason for the riots" while All the rioters will see is a dead George. It does away with the fact George did not die at all and his family raked in 12+ million they are now celebrating with
19. (that's a lawsuit all by itself) and it puts the ball right back into the Leftists hands.

FACT: When the EMT's arrived they were not real EMT's and they did absolutely nothing but prove it was a staged hoax with either a dummy or an actor. They did not check vitals, they
20. did not do any sort of recovery effort, they did not even handle him the way EMT's would - being careful to not disturb any injuries - NO - they just loaded him like a side of beef and off they went. That's all we need to know that no one died there, don't let a hoax about
21. "Fentanyl" - which leaves the scammers a way to go after China again - fool you.

It is not the Chinese
FACT: Despite efforts to pin this on outsiders, NOTHING that is going on right now is backed by the Chinese. The Chinese are not having the mayor of Seattle send CHAZ/CHOP
22. or whatever the children call it food, The Chinese are not telling the police to stand down, and the Chinese did not give them their barricades, electricity, water, - let me make a prediction:
They want Chaz to be the end of Trump and they are allowing those people in there
23. to rape rob and plunder the normal residents of Seattle. A video leaked out that indicates this may be the case. Right before the election, they are going to reveal all the atrocities and blame them on Trump, who "did nothing to stop them." Suddenly the media will be on
24. "our side" telling the truth about everything that happened there, while they do double time censorship right now, to prevent anyone from knowing. Huge revelations will be made about a disaster "horrific beyond belief", the mayor will step up and say they begged for help,
25. and 100 percent of the blame will be dropped squarely on Trump.
That is, of course, if the Hells Angels or the American people don't put it right, and they easily could.
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