#parler, a thread. Upon signing up, you’re asked to pick a favourite colour. Somehow, white isn’t an option.
Immediately you’re given a choice of “unbiased” people to follow, including Eric Trump, Team Trump, some Trump supporters and apologists, Rand Paul, and a few rightwing grifters. The list quickly cycles and repeats
On the “discover” page, you’re met with nothing but rightwing propaganda.
As soon as you join you auto-post a message, then you get a recruitment message from Team Trump and a couple of bots.
When you click search, you get the same alt-right grifters and more Team Trump stuff.
The trending hashtags are exactly what you’d expect.
Randomly scrolling is exactly what you’d expect.
In short, #Parler is a rightwing hellhole which will probably further radicalise large numbers of fragile white men into full blown white nationalists.
You can follow @steveshaw83.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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