...we're in unprecedented territory, with @TheJusticeDept through Barr engaging in endless obstruction of justice, an executive violating the law at will, as Americans are being beaten and shot and exposed to a global pandemic without support. If @TheDemocrats won't act NOW.../2
...when the hell will they? What the hell are you people there for? We dont give a damn about your expressions of concern, @RepJerryNadler and @SpeakerPelosi - this country needs to be protected. You have the power of inherent contempt - USE IT on Barr. If he won't testify.../3
...ARREST him. You're up against an executive that does whatever it wants, regardless of law, & you people won't even use the powers you HAVE under law! If you are unable or unwilling to protect Americans and instead waste everyones time by tsk-tsking on cable or condemning.../4
...this undermining of the Constitution with tweets, then resign and let people with backbone take over. Stop the frigging electoral calculations - "oh, if we do more than fall over like spineless dweebs, what is someone says something meeeaaaannn" - and do your jobs!.../5
..get Barr under oath. If he refuses to come, arrest him. DONT let him out when the White House goes to court. Play THEIR game - appeal, appeal, appeal. If he refuses to answer questions -ARREST HIM. If you cant get answers, ARREST HIM.

Or let people with backbone take over

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