lots of you don’t see why 365 DNI is wrong. read:

-she was already in a relationship where she felt disrespected. she’s used to that treatment and is more likely to accept it in a new relationship. she’d also crave validation from a partner, putting her at a disadvantage.
- he kidnaps her. as in. takes her against her will.
- he removes her from a familiar environment (her home) and places her in an unfamiliar, uncomfortable place that he already knows. it should’ve been common ground. it was not. she would’ve felt alien and therefore vulnerable, making her more susceptible to danger.
- he gives her a time limit. even though 365 days is quite long, she would’ve felt pressured into feeling a sense of urgency (“if i don’t fall in love now i’ll have to tomorrow. or the day after. eventually i’ll run out of tomorrows.”) this pressure is indirectly coercive.
- he introduces sex. besides the idea of stockholm syndrome, if she felt like he was providing her gratification that her husband couldn’t provide, she’d feel dependent, as she’d feel like no one else could tend to her needs.
- she didn’t really have the ability to choose otherwise. to her, it’s either the “relationship” with massimo or her loveless, miserable life w her husband. if she felt like there wasn’t a good escape/real choice, she’d feel more pressured to stay
i didn’t finish the movie (i got like ~30 minutes in) because it was just screaming red flags so i can’t talk about it all but that’s what i saw. see it from a different perspective. fun sex ≠ healthy relationship.
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