[They] DO want to attack us, our religions, and even use religions to attack us.

NO RELIGIOUS LEADER WHO RECOMMENDS VACC!N3S IS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF GOD! There are no exceptions. Birx wants religious leaders to do so, but Birx does not speak for God. https://www.facebook.com/1370590598/videos/10222922270869858/
I AM the authorized witness/representative that has been given access to speak with the real leaders in our Eternal society. I AM authorized to let it be known actual policies. It honestly does not matter who believes me and who does not. Vacc!n3s will be exposed no matter what.
There is only one group ultimately that is real, eternal, and divine. There is only one society we come from. No matter how you understand it, or what path leads you there, all roads ultimately lead to the same leaders.

They specifically, clearly, and without any lack of clarity
have, do, and without reservation condemn the current hidden groups responsible for the deliberate choice that was made to target and attack humanity using vacc!n3s.

They ARE being used in a deliberate plan to attack our health. Anyone claiming to be of God is not authorized
to speak on God's behalf pushing vacc!n3s. Any individuals who do may be in error and fooled themselves, or may be a part of the problem. In any case, what will happen is that this deliberate plot against humanity WILL be exposed, but not before the corrupt have done a bit more
damage. Treatments will come. People will have the chance to be healed from the damage that was caused by this attack and also problems in many other areas.

I know there are many who do not like it when I assert my authority. I do not do so lightly. I did not ask to be in such
a position. I actually did not want to be either. But like it or not, I was put in this role and have certain responsibilities. One of those is to be a witness for the other side as it actually is, not as the needed paradigms have it now.

Those who do not believe me about
vacc!n3s can wait for the disclosures here on Earth to happen. It is not way too far off. They can also wait until they pass and ask on the other side. God does not, will not, and cannot endorse a practice that has been intentionally designed to hurt maim or kill humanity.
Those pushing that agenda knowing what it is should be far more concerned about the eternal consequences that cannot and will not be avoided for any guilty party.

Time is like sand. A little can be brushed off. A lot, not so much. This farce will end in a few years.
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