Okay so listen. One Piece is just better than most anime. There is a reason why it is so long.
The show has one of the best main casts in anime. Each character is super lovable and has amazing character development.
The cast has a great dynamic between one another that is pretty hard to do. You have a feeling for how each character interaction might go because each character has a specific personality.
The great thing about the characters and their personalities is that most if not a characters have a fleshed out backstory that explains why they act how they act perfectly.
Like Sanji's backstory. I won't spoil his 2nd backstory since it is kinda far in the story but I will talk about his 1st.
Sanji is a chef that uses only his legs to fight. He hates wasting food and he doesn't fight women.
He uses his legs to fight because a chef's hands are their most important body part, if they don't have hands then they can't cook.
He hates wasting food because he had to survive on an island stranded for weeks with hardly any food at all. So he knows what it is like to starve.
The reason he doesn't hit women is because Zeff, his father figure, raised him saying that if you hit women then I'll chop your balls off and kill you myself, and it stuck with Sanji. He wanted to not be a man worse than Zeff.
You get all of this from just one part of Sanji's backstory, which has a second part around 900 chapters later.
Now. Another reason why One Piece is so good is a fairly obvious one. The world building. Every One Piece fan talks about the world building. One Piece has probably one of the most fleshed out worlds in fiction.
One Piece has a government, a currency, multiple factions, politics, geography, and a lot more. I won't get into it much here but everytime One Piece goes into world building mode, it is some of my favorite chapters to read.
Now some downsides to One Piece that a lot of haters say is that it is too long and the anime sucks.
For the length, I honestly can understand that but imo reading manga is pretty easy. Me personally, I could read 50 chapters in a day, but I get that people don't have the attention span to do so.
But, if you are interested in One Piece then just read a few chapters a day and you will eventually catch up, the manga is great if it wasn't worth it then I wouldn't be writing this thread.
As for the anime. I think the beginning of the anime is fine. I would even argue that the East Blue Saga is better in the anime. But as the anime goes, its animation gets worse and they mix canon episodes with filler which makes for terrible pacing.
My solution to this is prettt simple. Just read the damn manga. I personally enjoy the manga more tha, the anime anyways. But if you do not like manga then there is a website called One Pace where they skip all the filler for you.
Now I said some pretty basic arguments for One Piece, so if you have an interesting argument to add as for why you don't like One Piece the, feel free to comment, I am up for seeing different views from people!
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