FYI, I did this during winter quarter, before my university closed the campus. I only did it for one week and it was really hard -- and I was LUCKY because I had two TAs who knew enough to help by monitoring questions in the Zoom chat.
I worked for 3 hours to figure out how it would work--doing run-throughs in my home thinking about how I would project my voice and my slides and anything I wrote so that students in the room and students via Zoom could get it all.
When I did it live, I had my laptop for Zoom & slides, an iPad on Zoom (for the TAs to respond to chat), a lapel mic for classroom sound, bluetooth headphones around my neck for Zoom sound, slide projectors + 4 screens, & an overhead projector for notes I wrote.
Students connecting via Zoom rarely saw me b/c I still paced in the front of the lecture hall (away from my laptop's webcam) and I did not see those remote students but relied on my TAs to tell me if those students needed something.
This was for an 8am class. Needless to say, I was pretty worthless at 9:30am, when this class was over. I was spent. It was so much to set up, so stressful to implement. And, naturally, as things always do when you teach, something breaks in the middle. (My overhead projector.)
If you lead an institution requiring this double-teaching from instructors, you MUST think thru these issues on behalf of your instructors & provide them all the support they are going to need. And if you don't, WELL, that tells us what you really think about teaching & learning.
To be fair to my institution: they did not ask this of me. I did it myself because I had students with pre-existing conditions who were afraid to come to class. Even after I told students that if they felt ill at all not to come, some still came, coughing & all!
I don't know what else to say except that teaching 100% online is also really hard and my data show that students are learning less.

That may be a function of the times or that I was totally untrained to teach using that format.
I have a small class this summer (30 students) & a large class this fall (150 students + 2 TAs). Both will be 100% online. I have a lot of work to do to ready those online courses for success. And they will not be the same/as good as F2F.

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