one last thing... to people coming forward, and outing abusers:
PLEASE be careful when talking to a journalist.
our system is set up to protect the powerful, and journalism serves that end just as much as anything else here.
(i say this based on some fairly crushing experiences)
if you want your story to be heard, write a thread, write a post, do it on your own terms. share on your own terms.
let journalists quote from that.
if you talk to them you will likely not even get quoted properly. there's no accountability for treating survivors that way.
when i learned that the very same journalist, for the very same publication (kotaku), did the VERY SAME THING to other survivors for another story... and then she moved on to do that to me... i cannot to any extend suggest that people trust journalists here
a bad one will do irreparable damage and it's going to be another thing you'll be fighting with.
be careful, thank you...
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