During lockdown I've taken to walking round our local cemetery quite a lot. It's become one of my favourite places, not least because of its wealth of melodramatic statuary.
It also does a nice line in overgrowth.
And back in the cold times this was a common scene.
I've got to know its birds fairly well, and there are three birds in particular I look out for. A sighting of one of them takes the visit up a level.

They're not rare birds, just good ones.

Today I saw all three.
There's the elusive green woodpecker, usually glimpsed bouncing away from me through the trees, or heard as mocking laughter from the other side of the cemetery.

I love green woodpeckers (also known as yaffles). There's a sort of mad nobility to them.
Then one of the resident jays deigned to show me its face, all the while keeping a beady side-eye on me.
And then there are the local celebrities, the peregrines.

I'd love to give you a photo of one of them diving dramatically down to kill a pigeon. But they haven't been quite that obliging. There's a lot of perching going on, though.
And today, just as I was leaving, this carrion crow did its thing in front of a gravestone.
All of which is really a reminder that, wherever you live, there are riches on your doorstep.
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