I sadly announce that I will no longer be teaching at Forman Christian College. Earlier this year, my contract was changed to visiting faculty from the position of Assistant Professor. Now I wont continue as a visiting lecturer either.

After returning to Pakistan in 2016, was
committed to teaching at a public sector university. I joined Government College University and later Punjab University. Both institutions fired me citing "national security" as a reason. Some friends and sympathetic teachers at FCC reached out to me in this most difficult period
of my life and alerted me to a job opening at the university. FCC provided me an opportunity to achieve some financial stability, build an academic community and be away from constant public scrutiny. I finally felt relaxed in Pakistan.

Things began to change near the Student
Solidarity March where I was accused of being an instigator. I was charged with sedition (a case still pending) after the march while my former student, Alamgir Wazir, was arrested. Unknown people began putting pressure on the FCC administration to fire me. I was called in
by the Rector who told me to quit all public activities as FCC is in a “sensitive” situation and cannot become controversial. I pleaded that I have a sedition case against me while a former student is in jail for only demanding education reforms and student unions.
I cannot possibly abandon him and others while there is a full-scale crackdown from the state. I felt university administrations should amplify the concerns of the students/teachers rather than mimicking the paranoia of a dysfunctional state. I was wrong, and I was told I either
stay silent on the case or leave. I chose the latter option. I have wonderful memories from FCC. I received immense love & affection from students & colleagues who were always eager to learn from & challenge me. I am grateful to the time I spent at FCC, the buildings,
the lawns, the café, and my little office, all of which already appear as distant but beautiful memories.

It appears that the academic journey for me in Pakistan might be over after the unfortunate end at FCC. It is clear that those who run are beloved country cannot stand it
when people leave the places assigned to them. They cannot bear a teacher sympathetic to students, students sympathetic to each other beyond ethnic, religious and gender differences, or faculty and students who take a stand on taboo topics. Our state fears unexpected encounters,
unpredictable solidarities, and unforeseen alliances. It prefers that everything assimilate into its own rigid calculus, with each accorded a place with finite possibilities, and deem any surplus beyond what is allowed as impossible, if not criminal.

Yet, we will not surrender.
We will continue to assert that ordinary people are the true sovereigns of this country, not unknown entities who violate law with impunity. Whether we are part of an institution or we work independently is only incidental in the larger scheme of things. We know our ideas are
contagious for the youth and our enemies know it. They can create obstacles in the short-run but we know our principles will win in the long-run, while those who wish to eliminate dissent in society will only belong to the dustbins of history.
No temporary setback should undermine our belief that what “they” tell us to be impossible is actually possible, and absolutely necessary.
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