Ok idk how many of you know this about me, but I like to go on drives on the same route several times a week. This started last summer.

When I started this, it was because my mental health was in the gutter; it was a way for me to get out of the house and engage my emotions +
In a healthy manner. Mindless driving, listening to music, watching scenery. It was disarming in a good way.

I’ve continued to do this ever since. Now, it’s more of a habit/something I just love to do because it’s fun. I still use it as a way to think, too.

What’s crazy is +
How different my life is in just a year. I mentioned it a few days ago, but I was NOT the same Katy last year. She was going THROUGH it. Now, as I’ve said, my Faith is completely different, my friend group looks different, I’m ENGAGED...like, what?

God does CRAZY things. +
So, if you’re like I was last year, don’t lose hope. And I wasn’t able to see the change along the way. Hindsight is 20/20. God does wonderful things in our lives, but we often don’t see it until much later on.

I know it can be so hard to imagine life in a year. I couldn’t +
At the time. I couldn’t even see what it was going to be like in a few months. But things will look different. That I can confidently say.

Anyway, this started as me just talking about a peculiar hobby of mine and now turned into some weird exhortation??? Take what you will!
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