1.) I had a thread up yesterday but I deleted so I could be more clear. I'll try to recreate it here with additional thoughts. I remember how upset my good guy male comedian peers used to get about having to do morning radio or play comedy clubs cuz the culture is gross.
2.) These guys obviously care about sexism but they weren't moved to stop playing clubs and do rock clubs instead or speak about it due to sexism. Let's just be honest. It was just due to more of a bonehead culture that did include
3.) morning DJ's & club bookers who coddled all of the 'isms.' BUT the culture still exists. It wasn't a case of some people have to die off. We made new sexists, homophobes, racist, transphobic comedians and people who book things. BUT we now have a more diverse comedy world
4.) which is great but it's an epic battle and there are two sides. Right and wrong. Not male or female. Not alternative comedy or mainstream. I'm against the toxic culture. I've made the mistake ALL OF MY LIFE thinking that my male comedian friends who are woke & tweet about
5.) all the right things are on our side (women in comedy, of all colors, identifications) but they so rarely to never take action. Maybe a retweet here or there. They felt safe speaking up against Cosby because it was SO OBVIOUS he was criminal and he's old & has no more power.
6.) But most men in comedy went right back to whispering about the "bad people" and just getting to enjoy their bubble while the women in comedy don't get to ignore the problems. I think we've reached a tipping point. You will look like a dinosaur dudes, if you don't start
7.) changing the way you do business. There are many revolutions going on right now - and I see that they're all tied together. I'm not here to cancel comics or change anyone's mind who won't change. I'm here to ask the "good guys" (low bar these days, the guys who don't sexually
8.) assault or cover up for it is what I mean by good) - anyway I'm here to ask the good guys to please now take actions. I know it sucks. You don't have time. You're scared. How many things do I have to do? UGH. But you've ignored what happens to your sisters in comedy too long.
9.) You've done the bare minimum. So anyway, again, I'm here to tell the good guys - get louder. There are more of us. Let's equally represent what comedy is because the side with all the statues of the jerks erected everywhere? That side is louder. Time to topple some statues.
10.) I’ve been screaming about how comedy is a different world for women since Twitter began. How the rape culture attitudes influence millions of their male fans and cause women harassment. Mostly my male peers DM’d me to assure me that they’re “sorry for their gender” or that
11.) the harassment women get is just from guy’s in their mom’s basement. I felt so alone on this platform.What world are we creating for our younger sisters out there? Do we just let them deal with it on their own? Did we do a FUCKING thing except on a comic by comic basis...
12.) shun the most egregious AFTER their trial or after their NY Times confession? What are we doing about rape culture in our clubhouse? It's here.
13.) THIS IS YOUR NEW REALITY NOW. Welcome to the one that has been ours. We need you to change some ways you run your life on the road, make certain demands at venues and of your fans. Action items. Not just one day of retweeting women. That won't do it anymore. And guys?
14.) We talk about you. ALL of you. Even you sweetheart nice Star Wars liking motherfuckers. We are always disappointed in how you make us fight our own battles. We haven't made enough progress because it's not just our battle. It's yours. So, by getting feedback from comics
15.) who I will be asking for help (privately) as to what their concerns are, what's not being addressed, what they need their allies to do...etc. After I do some actual work here I will be posting action items for male comedy allies to take. I anticipate they'll be easy because
16.) they are changes I've already implemented in my life as a comedian. But I can do more. So can you. If you ignore them - I'll notice. And I'll be following-up and I'll be not quiet about it. So, get ready good guys in comedy. I'll be in touch. Love, Jen
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