These people may get a free vacation trip to Cuba.
1. Alexander Vindman
2. General Jim Mattis
3. Michael Atkinson
4. H.R. McMaster
5. Dan Coats
6. Jerry Nadler
7. Samantha Power
8. Maggie Haberman
9. Sheila Jackson Lee
10. Sally Yates
11. Amanda Renteria
12. Andrew Kauders
13. Dianne Feinstein
14. Nellie Ohr
15. Mika Brzezinski
16. Elizabeth Warren
17. John Kerry
18. Eric Schneiderman
19. John F. Kelly
20. Paul Ryan
21. George W Bush
22. Al Gore
23. John Bolton
24. Joe Biden
25. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
26. James Clapper
27. John Brennan
28. Christopher Wray
29. Adam Schiff
30. Andrew McCabe
31. Anderson Cooper
32. Eric Schmidt
33. Edward Snowden
34. Susan Rice
35. Jack Dorsey
36. Mark Zuckerberg
37. Chuck Schumer
38. Imran Awan
39. Maxine Waters
40.Nancy Pelosi
41. Tony Podesta
42. John Podesta
43. Paul Manafort
44. Robert Mueller
45. Valerie Jarrett
46. James Comey
47. Huma Abedin
48. Bill Clinton
49. Barack Hussein Obama
50. Eric Holder
51. George Soros
52. Anthony Weiner
53. Hillary Rodham Clinton
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