This statue is by Roberto Fabelo. No one knows what its called, or what is actually going on here, but this piece of art is currently on display in Cuba.
This is the Cadaver Tomb of René of Chalon in the church of Saint-Étienne in France. It belongs to the Prince of Orange who died age 25. He wanted his tomb to depict his rotting body as it would be 3 years after his death. Ar one time his heart was held in the figure's hand
This is David Černý's In Utero sculpture. She once stood near Old Town in Prague, but she’s no longer there. She was hollow so people could stand inside her to experience being inside the womb.
This New York statue is Cybele by Russian artist Mihail Chemiakin. She has eight pairs of breasts, four pairs of buttocks, three animal heads and a human face.
‘Piss’ is an outdoor 2004 sculpture and fountain by Czech artist David Černý, installed outside the Franz Kafka Museum in Malá Strana, Prague, Czech Republic.
Nude woman on bench by Patrick McKearnan was installed in South Haven in West Michigan.
‘Man Chasing Four Geniuses’ by Gustav Vigeland sculptures that is on display at Oslo's Frogner Park
The park takes visitors on a journey through 200 bronze and granite statues that gradually lead to its central feature, this Monolith made of writhing bodies
In 2017, Blackfriars Priory School in Adelaide unveiled its new statue of St martin de Porres handing a kneeling child some bread last week. They were forced to cover it up after 'inappropriate' photos went viral on social media.
The Burnside Fountain and Boy With A Turtle is in Worcester, Massachusetts. The statue was built as a tribute to notable lawyer Samuel Burnside by one of his daughters.
This is Switzerland's Kindlifresserbrunnen - which literally means child eaten fountain. It is in the city of Bern.
This is the base of the statue of Konrad von Hochstaden
Archbishop of Cologne (1238-61). Von Hochstaden was a controversial and contentious figure. He brought in a tax on hops (thus raising the price of beer), a move that may have influenced the design of his statue
A series of 'Grotesque" carvings with Medieval ailment theme,at the base of the south east pinnacle in York Minster.
This statue of Molly Malone (AKA the tart with the cart) is in Grafton Street, Dublin. It was unveiled by then Lord Mayor of Dublin, Alderman Ben Briscoe in 1988. Her boobs have been polished to a high shine by ppl constantly rubbing them.
Erotic Statues at the Lakshmana Temple in Khajuraho, India
This is at Jeju Loveland in South Korea.
At the botanical gardens in Missouri
Sheela na gigs are figurative carvings of naked women displaying an exaggerated vulva. They are architectural grotesques found all over Europe on cathedrals, castles, and other buildings. The highest concentrations can be found in Ireland, Great Britain, France and Spain
The Fountain Of The Virtues in the centre of Nuremberg, Germany
Bad, Bad Boy by artist Tommi Toija is in Helsinki.
By David Cerny, at the Futura Gallery in Prague
This statue of fish with legs and breasts can be found running towards the small town of Sekiu in Washington. Her name It is Rosie.
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