so i have a few thoughts on wfh and the "redesign of the office" post pandemic. the first: why does anyone think they know how to redesign the office when we don't even know exactly how this thing spreads? and what says the NEXT thing will not spread differently? 1/4
that plexiglass screen around your cubicle may just be a big ugly waste of money. speaking of money, your apartment is now an office. your company spends anywhere from, ballparking here, 10-25k a year for your office space. now you're picking up that cost. 2/4
you wfh in the summer? how's your a/c bill? also, your home a/c is WAY less efficient than the office a/c. so THE ENVIRONMENT!
wfh gonna create more stratification, because workforce is going to be wfh and management is going to be in the office. count on that. what i'm saying is there is more we don't know than we know. keep a skeptical eye on the futurists. 4/4
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