So all of these posts of how I have experienced being a Filipino is wonderful and all but it points to the importance of being culturally relevant and responsive. In these posts I have defined culture as rooted in ethnicity. But it is not always so .../1
Culture needs to be defined broadly in order for us to capture, what I believe is, the essence of CRRP which is individual identities and what they bring to a dialogue/discourse/community. I need to understand that I view my world through the lens that I have been raised with /2
And that another person’s lived experience and ways of knowing may/will be different from mine. As an educator, I enter a space full of diverse cultural experiences and the more I know about them and the more I understand the community /3
The better able I am to relate, respond, serve and develop learning experiences that is relevant. As a Ss, when what was shared with me was relevant (I can make connections), real and is a response to who I am then I engaged b/c I can connect. Then I can expand to new lrng /4
But let’s not forget that ethnic-culture goes beyond food, fun, folklore & festivals. And that a pan-ethnic experience does not always exist. We need to make room for diversity & intersectionalities. Cultures are not monolithic and experiences are individual and situational. /5
What social identities do you bring and what and whose knowledge do you hold and teach? /6
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