This fandom ows seokjin a very big and a long due apology .
Let's start :
He got so much hate it 2018 for no reason that he had to publicly write an apology letter to armys saying he is sorry for getting into stuff he didn't want to and that he will never compromise his morals and left sns
You made a man who stated his speciality is dance in 2013 to a man in 2020 who is so insecure about his skills when he is actually or prefect and never made a mistake and cleared many times he is not wrong
In 2019 you all made viral tweets which got up to 40k likes saying jin hates armys. He comes to weverse DAILY out of his busy schedule to lash out his daily anger on us that he came to apologize and clear he never ever made fun of you and cleared about eng translation in vlive
You made a man in his 20s insecure about his age so much when y'all have nothing on him to use his age as arguments for everything . To mock his skills, his career options, his health issues and lying about his health issues.
Lying he was born playing n wealth when he has already said his family had wealth issues growing up and his father worked really hard for it. Making jokes about how other boys were not eating n he was having full course meals whn he gave food and money to boys out of his pocket
Remember when he acknowledged his seniors efforts in the Industry, did not directly say bts paved the way. Army twt talked about CANCELLING him. Called him a fossil. Said he did not deserve to speak n other Intellectual members should have spoken just because he was being humble
most of you don't have genuine compliments to give him other than he improved when he has constantly proven with his skills m titles he won he is one of the best in his field currently. Backhanded compliment do nothing but put a person down specially when u say this only for him
He is being deemed as the underrated member when he was no 4 on br the whole last year. His solos have the most no 1s in EVERY era. His solos are the 2nd most successful solo with dig points on K charts have always done amazing in streams .His merch one of highest in demands etc
When it comes to shippers. He has been over sexualized called feminine terms , dehumanised in so many ways. Writing stuff about him which is fiction but a recurring damaging theme with stereotypes.
About stereotypes. Y'all should Know it better by now that he is trying very hard to get rid of them so you should start doing that too to help him. He is more than what some people make him out to be . Instead of helping him more new stereotypes are imposed onto him .
When it comes to supporting his career his music It is evident a part of this fandom is lazy and laid-back n thinks it is relatively less important when he releases something which is why we have hard time achieving specific goals because of lack of support when we can do better
jin has a lot of misinformation going around about him like like other members. There are fake subs which are treated as reality when we have no source of it which makes him out to be person he is definitely not and work towards damaging his image and creating false narratives.
When it comes to e*. Even a major part of fandom is fed up with how constantly it's being brought up SINCE 2016 .its been four years and seokjin is still with us. You are just making him uncomfortable if you are bringing it often making it seem like you just want him gone atp.
There are a lot of "Jokes" which are straight up disrespectful and offensive to jin as a human are passed with the reasoning of his age and him being funny when he never made jokes on anyone else but his OWN expense. This mentality of jin won't ever feel bad is very degrading.
Let's talk how his music has been turned into a meme or a THING. Asking people to stream epiphany a song about loving urself became a meme Moon, song about armys made a recurring theme to be shown as how you don't it's supporters/enthusiasts when it achieved so many accolades .
Tonight a song about his pets people are being completely insensitive to when his pets are being made fun of, called ugly names knowing very well he can't even talk about them without tearing up which he did in his vlive
When it comes to his talents. Hr has been put down thinking he can't do when When he did triple note in crystal snow he even had to apologetically clarify he did it. Similarly happened with his come back home Verse and people claiming adora did High notes in tonight.
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