My white privilege started as a drug addicted preemie. My very strict grandparents became my guardians, my mom abandoned me. I’ve never met her. My father was in prison my entire life. I was raised on an odd jobs income with two siblings well below the poverty line. My pop died
unexpectedly during heart surgery when I was 15. We survived on social security w/ two other families living in a 900 sqft home. The day after I turned 16 I got a real job. I couldn’t stand being poor anymore so I worked everyday. I barely graduated high school, but I paid bills
and bought groceries for the home. I moved out at 17 & never looked back. My nana died a year later. I took a taxi to work for years before buying my own car with no co-signer. I worked my way up from hostess to bartender. I stayed at my first job nine years before leaving
to pursue real estate. Which was the scariest thing I’d ever done. Last sales year I was awarded rookie of the year for my location. This sales year I received rookie of the year for my entire company.
No one handed me anything in life. I knew at a very young age if I didn’t work to survive, I wouldn’t survive. This is what needs to be instilled in our youth. Work ethic. #MAGA #WhitePrivilege
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