This would be a really good moment for conservatives to have a national leader who can speak with credibility & empathy about our national heritage - the proud parts & the ugly legacies - defend the best of America & call us away from a time of malice to all, charity to none.
The result of having...well, the opposite of that is that we will inevitably lose ground in the culture that we would not have lost with a different leader.
The point is not for the Left to listen. The point is that most of the country isn't the Left & needs to hear a defense of why they should stand up to the mob.

Trump isn't the problem here, but he makes the solution harder.
Too much of the populist Right seems to think you can fight something with nothing; that it's enough to just say "no." But you can't. To compete with the Left, you need a narrative of your own, grounded in truth, that withstands scrutiny & attracts the uncommitted.
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