A bad theology of redemption leads to a lack of accountability in the church.

This also makes it easier for predators and abusers to hide and/or get away with their abuse.

Redemption is about dying to self and living as a slave to Christ, not a get out of jail free card
Our churches are MORE than “come as you are despite your brokenness.” Jesus’ redemption on earth was also about breaking systems of power that oppressed and silenced the vulnerable.

We NEED to attack sin fiercely, with enough fervor to expose & dismantle abusers & manipulators.
Not to be too controversial this early in the AM but your church cannot say a gay person is condemned in their sin for life and thus must not hold a leadership position, while saying “but redemption!” when a straight man falls into sexual misconduct.
Because rather than looking like you care about sin issues, this just looks like you prioritize hiding and defending predators. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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