Yesterday I went into my local tobacco shop. The whole front of the shop is windows to show off the wares. It's owned by an immigrant family, I think Yemeni. Nice guys, funny, they stay open late, lot of hustle. I've gone there a while. 1/x
They'd reopened after closing for a while, adding some snacks to be able to count as essential. They really wanted to work and be able to earn a living. Anyway, as I got a couple packs of smokes, another regular asked about what happened with the windows a couple days back. 2/x
Turns out, a group of people had come by and smashed up the windows of the shop. Looters gestured toward stealing stuff but got chased off. Mostly just wanted to smash. 3/x
Other regular asked if they had wanted to call the cops, or if they were gonna try to get insurance money for the quickly and expensively replaced window? My tobaccomonger friend replied that was all too official for him. "I just want to kick 'em in the nuts."


Can confirm neither abstract arguments about property destruction of POC-owned businesses not counting because stuff is replacable nor ripped-from-context MLK quotes about riots being the language of the unheard came up
Addendum 2:
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