Good morning Family:
Reporting from Brooklyn, there was yet another night of extremely loud fireworks starting at 8 pm. and ending at about 2 a.m. This is the second week straight of this; every night during the same time period, like clockwork.
Last night was the loudest I have ever heard fireworks in my entire life. It sounded like war.
The media is reporting this as though it's just Black and Brown kids blowing off steam, but I don't believe that's the case.
My neighbors and I believe that this is part of a coordinated attack on Black and Brown communities by government forces; an attack meant to disorient and destabilize the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
The goal, we think, is multifaceted:
1. Sleep deprivation as a means to create confusion and stoke tensions between Black and Brown peoples.
2. Desensitization as a means to get us so used to the sounds of firecrackers and other fireworks that when they start using their real artillery on us we won't know the difference. It's meant to sound like a war zone because a war zone is what it's about to become.
We think this is psychological warfare, the first wave before whatever the next stage of the attack is.
We think this because there is NO WAY IN THE WORLD that young Black and Brown people would otherwise have access to these PROFESSIONAL fireworks. These are Macy's July 4th/New Year's-level displays and sonic booms reserved generally for the wealthiest people and institutions.
And these kids are being supplied these things by the TRUCKLOAD. Hours and hours and days and days and weeks and weeks worth of explosives, y'all. No young Black and Brown people would be able to afford even a FRACTION of this supply.
We think the government is providing these to neighborhood young people. These young people are unaware of how they're being used against their own communities and think they're simply being allowed to have the kind of fun that is generally considered illegal.
After being cooped up during the pandemic, this is cathartic for them, but they clearly don't understand that they're pawns.
The government and the mainstream media are being coy or pretending to be clueless about it all, of course.
The government told residents to call 311 or 911 when the fireworks happen, but when you call 311 or 911, no one shows up. And why would they, if they're the ones behind it?
The New York Post exposed the Fire Department for taking part in it, but as you would imagine, the government is leaving it up to the Fire Department to investigate itself and eventually clear itself of any wrongdoing.
The New York Times is reporting on it as a "culture clash" issue. But we think it's a passive-aggressive assault on the minds of the Black and Brown people who are rebelling against the status quo. This is gaslighting with literal lights.
Please share this message. If you know anyone participating in these fireworks attacks, please educate them about how this is an attempt to undermine the struggle for liberation and try to persuade them to not allow themselves to be used by the enemies of the people.
I know I sound like a conspiracy theorist, but fam, please trust me.

I've lived in New York City long enough to know a rat when I see one.

And New York City has some of the biggest rats you've EVER seen.
P.S. This could also be the police attempting to retaliate against our calls to defund/abolish the police by creating the circumstances for a continuous public nuisance and then purposely failing to respond to it.
Over on the Facebook thread, hundreds of people are saying that it's happening in their cities across the entire United States--same times, same levels of extremely loud noise, same professional grade materials, same "non-response" from authorities:
Some folks I blocked were like:

"But this was happening before the protests!"

No the fuck it wasn't.
"But the holidays!"

How many different ways do I have to say that this is NOT like previous holiday celebrations; that this is planned, coordinated, ongoing effort that began WAY before any such related holiday. This ain't just some July 4th shit. This is something else.
"But this is PART of the protest. It's protesters doing this!"

It's protesters trying to prevent their own people from sleeping? Trying to trigger their own people? Trying to bewilder and confuse and stress their own people?

Stop gaslighting.
This doesn't sound anything like your normal, typical, gearing up for the 4th of July or New Year's fireworks. Think of that and multiply it by 1000. And I'm not exaggerating. This was was like someone unleashed an entire military force on Brooklyn.
My neighbors just spoke to an NYPD officer who said there's nothing the NYPD can do about it. Told them to basically deal with it as best they can.
White people in Washington Heights: "It's like this every year."

Black/Brown people in Washington Heights: "It has never been like this EVER before. This is some NEXT-LEVEL, scheduled, coordinated shit!"
In an attempt to save their jobs and maintain their unchecked power, cops are trying to make it seem like crime is going up without them and I wouldn't put it past them that they, themselves, are responsible for these shootings and the fireworks are a great cover/distraction.
From the Facebook comments section:
"When I was in the Army, I was in a special operations unit called Psychological Operations (PsyOp). This was ABSOLUTELY one of the tactics we used for destabilizing the populace.
"This has been a tactic used by Spec Ops and the CIA in just about every conflict the US has been involved in since Vietnam. And it's extremely effective."
Another comment, in line with the military operations theory, says that the next stage is a rolling blackout and water rationing.
If I was just me, I might be saying, "Yo, Robert. Chill." But everybody on my whole block thinks the same thing. My friends and fam in CA, PA, IL, MI, OH, MD, DC, NC, etc. are saying the SAME THING.
A Facebook post from someone in Flatbush Brooklyn.

In this comments section:
Fam--does the gear in these photos look similar to you?
Some thoughts/solutions:
1. Don't call 311 or 911. Cops may be setting young folks up to come and swoop in and harm them.
2. Ask these people shooting off the fireworks where they got them from if you feel safe to inquire. They made provide some insight on where and how this stuff is getting into the neighborhood.
3. Educate whenever and wherever you feel safe to do so. Explain to the young people what you think is going on and why they should stop.
4. If you see any suspicious activity--i.e. fireworks/boxes being dropped off/left on streets in your neighborhood--record everything, especially the people doing the drop-offs and the license plates of the vehicles if applicable.
5. If you see the "authorities" involved (whether uniformed or plain clothes officers, firefighters, etc) in any distribution or if they are participating in causing the disturbances, but sure to record it.
6. If anyone approaches you to attempting to sell fireworks, try to record or photograph the encounter. We might be able to spot patterns and agents with this evidence.
Obviously, we will not be able to go to the police about this, but if there are any radical leaders or politicians in your area, try to contact them and let them know what's going on. Also, be sure to share any information on social media to amplify and inform.
Other theories I’m hearing: 1. Fireworks companies dumping their stock/selling cheaply in certain cities. 2. White supremacists on their own military-based destabilization mission and distributing the fireworks under the banner of “holiday fun.”
Also, this was 11:22 pm ET this evening (June 21, 2020).
Google “illegal fireworks seized” and you’ll see that the market is being flooded. The question is who is supplying these to certain areas and why? And why do all the loud booms all start at around the same time and last about the same intervals/hours all over the country?
If the police are not involved in the fireworks proliferation/disturbances as, possibly, pushback against calls to defund/abolish police, then why are they doing things like this?
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